Chapter 15 - Years later

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Your P.O.V:

3 years later:

It been three years since Billie had come back into my life, and a total of seven years since we had met for the very first time on the street corner, the evening that my foster parents had abused me, leaving me black, blue, and bleeding. The evening that they had threatened to kill me and when I had thought that it would have been better if they did. But then I met Billie Joe and my world was changed forever, with me seeing everything in a new light and finding a purpose in this crazy world. I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason and I know that me and Billie were meant to meet that day and were destined to be together. In the past four years the two of us had faced some crazy obstacles but we got through it because we were together, by each other's side. Billie Joe and his band, Green Day had released a new album; American Idiot which was a huge success, meaning I toured the world as a proud girlfriend watching Billie Joe on stage every night. We had also moved to a new house, buying a place together as I had secured myself a job, working for the band, meaning that I got to work closely with Billie Joe, Mike and Tré. I got along with Mike and Tré after Billie finally introduced me to them at the studio one day. They are really lovely, and I can see why Billie is so fond of them. With being in the new house, it had led me and Billie and to think about starting a family of our own. We decided that once the tour was over, we wanted to start. We decided before that to begin trying but not actively, if I got pregnant towards the end of the tour or at the end, it was an added bonus but if not, we would begin actively trying, setting ourselves an aim. If we weren't pregnant by a certain point, then the two of us would begin looking into what we could do to ensure that we could have a baby.

The tour had just finished, and we had not long arrived back at home. I was in the bathroom, sat on the floor; I had just been sick. "Babe?" Are you alright?" Billie asked, concerned as he stood outside the bathroom door. I wouldn't let him in, I didn't want him to see me being sick. "Yeah." I replied. "I don't know what's wrong with me." There was silence outside of the door, for a few seconds before Billie said: "Babe? You don't think that you're pregnant, do you?" He asked. At first, I had thought it was still a bit of travel sickness that hadn't worn off but thinking about it, there was a possibility that I could be pregnant and that this was, in fact, morning sickness. I hadn't checked to see if I had missed my period because it wasn't due for another week, but I grabbed my toiletry bag off of the side in the bathroom and pulled out a pregnancy test. "I could be." I said, looking at the box. "I'm going to take a test now." Billie was still outside the bathroom. From his voice, I could tell that he was now sat opposite the bathroom door.

I took the test and placed it face down on the side, telling Billie when to set the timer. I let him in, and he sat on the edge of the bath as I paced nervously up and down the bathroom. At one point, Billie had to stop me and calm me down. He held my hand. "It's okay. No matter what happens. It'll be okay." He smiled, kissing me. These two minutes seemed like hours before finally, the timer went off. Now that it was time to see if I was pregnant, I was hesitant and scared the it was going to read negative, after me and Billie had gotten our hopes up. "(Y/n)." He had hold of my hand. "It's okay. I'm right here with you." I nodded as he kissed me once more and I reached out to look at the test. My hands were shaking before I turned it over and me and Billie looked at it. It wasn't the test that we had to decipher the answer through looking at lines, this one told us clearly, in black and white, whether I was pregnant or not. Billie held me in his arms and I said in disbelief. "Pregnant." I looked at him. "Pregnant." I repeated smiling. "Billie, we're going to have a baby."

With Billie, everything made sense and it only made sense that he was the father of my children. 

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