Chapter 8 - Your gift

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Your  P.O.V:

"How did it go?" Billie asked me as I kissed him. I remained silent and continued to look at him. I could tell by the look on his face that the suspense was killing him. "Billie." I began as I took his hands in mine. "I got the job."

"Fuck! That's amazing!" He exclaimed, kissing me again, picking me up and spinning me around on the spot. "I'm so fucking happy for you." He said as he put me down. "So fucking proud!" He repeated. 

"So you've said." I laughed as I moved a bit of hair behind my ear as he continued to hold me in his arms, not letting go of me. "Seriously." He said, more calmly this time. "I'm so proud. You don't know your own strengths." He said, kissing my forehead. "You deserve this more than anything." 

"Thank you for being there Billie." I told him as I ran my fingers through his hair. "I couldn't have done this without you." 

"Hey, we're there for each other. I've got your back and you've got mine." He smiled. "I'll always be there for you." He told me. 

"There's so much good news at the minute." I told him as we headed into the living room together. "How do you mean?" He asked, following me. 

"Well, your album comes out next week." I replied. "And it's going to do amazingly well."

"Well, we don't know that yet." He replied, nervously. Obviously, he hoped that people would like it. "Billie, are you freaking kidding me?" I told him, letting out a small laugh. "I've heard those songs. They are pure genius, unlike anything else, and songs that people can relate to incredibly well." 

"Really?" He asked, his voice filling with hope. 

"Yeah." I said. This time, it was my turn to pull him into my arms. "Don't you worry about a thing. You've got a gift, Billie Joe, and that gift is going to change so many people's lives in ways that you could never imagine." I reassured him and little did he know, I was right. In a week's time, Green Day would be one of the biggest bands on the planet. 


**Time Skip** 

One Week Later

By now, I had started my new job, my dream job and it was everything that I ever dreamed of. I was finally going be given a chance at making something of myself. I stood in the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee after not long coming in from work. I was waiting for Billie to get home. He had gone to the studio; Green Day's album came out yesterday and he, Mike and Tre had gone to the studio to find out how it was doing as Billie had got a call, asking him to come in for some important new. I took a sip of my coffee as I heard: "Babe!" Billie said as he ran through the door, slamming it behind him. "I'm in here!" I replied from the kitchen. I could tell by the sound of his footsteps that he was running and by the time that I had gotten up from the sofa to greet him and see what was happening, he was already stood in front of me. "What's going on?" I asked him, curious. The smile on his face only seemed to get bigger, which at this point seemed almost impossible.  He stuttered as he tried to find the words to tell me what was going on. I placed my hands on his hips in the hope that it would steady him, even if just a little bit. 

"The album." He began, taking a deep breath as he placed him hands on my shoulders. "It's gone to number one!" His eyes were lit up as he told me the news. I was so proud of him. He and the boys had worked so incredibly hard for this and now they were finally getting what they deserved. "Babe!" I practically screamed as I kissed him. "That's incredible! I told you, didn't I?" He kissed me back and held me in his arms. "I couldn't have done it without you." He told me. 

"No, you couldn't have done it without your gift." I told him, running my hands round his neck. "Your gift is what got you here, Billie." He smiled at me as he stared straight into my eyes. 

"I love you (Y/n)." 

"I love you too Billie." 

We stayed in that moment, looking at one another, knowing that nothing could go wrong and that this was exactly where we were supposed to be. 

Angel Blue {Billie Joe Armstrong}Where stories live. Discover now