Chapter 5 - Feelings

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Your P.O.V:

I have been here, living with Billie for three weeks now and I still can't sleep in a bed by myself. For fuck's sake, I'm 19 now and I bet he thinks I'm a right idiot. Although, I couldn't deny that I felt something sparking between the two of us as we lay together in bed that first night and it had only seemed to be growing, but we hadn't talked about it. How could we? I had felt the urge to kiss him every night as I found myself laying on his chest, listening to his perfect heart beat as breathed gently in and out.

"He's not into you like that . He just feels sorry for you. That's it." I thought to myself. So as I lay next to him tonight, three weeks after my first night here, I realised that I had feelings for Billie unlike anything that I had felt for anyone else. In these three weeks I had turned 19 and was grateful to be out of that hell hole. It was thanks to Billie that I was out of that hellhole. 

I went back to thinking about the moment that I was currently caught up in and it was perfect. But I'm 19 and not stupid. I know all good things come to an end and I know he'll never like me the way I like him. I then thought about how you only live once and I decided to take a shot in the dark. I sat up slightly. "Billie?" I asked. He sat up and turned on the lamp that was next to the bed. "Yes (Y/n)?" He asked as he smiled at me, making my heart skip a beat. 

Billie, there's something that I need to do. Don't freak out." I said, leaning in slightly. For all I know, he could have a partner that he hadn't told me about. Thinking about it, if he did, he wouldn't have been lying in bed with me for 3 weeks. Either way, I knew that I needed to do this. Before he could reply, I leaned in further as our lips finally touched. A sense of joy shot through my body. It lasted for a few seconds before I pulled away. "I-I-I'm sorry." I said shyly as he sat looking startled. But he was still smiling.

Raising his hand toward my face before pulling me in closer, his lips once again touching mine. He moaned into my mouth as he lay me down, our lips still connected. The moment got passionate and hot and before I knew it was began taking each other's clothes off. He stopped me and asked: "Are we going to do this? Are you sure?" He asked, as hope shone in his eyes. I nodded "Only if you want to." I said, biting my lip. He nodded. "I do." He admitted as he lent in and kissed my neck. I let out a small gasp as he did so. He brought his head back up and smiled before he switched off the light as we began undressing one another, my hand's running through his hair. Everything had been leading up to this moment. 

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