Chapter 10 - Leaving

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Billie's P.O.V:

"I'm leaving." (Y/n) said as she stood in front of me. I couldn't find the words; I wasn't sure what to say. In these last few seconds, my entire world had come crashing down and it was all my fault. I had done this and pushed her away. 

I stood up and headed towards her but she took a step back. "You stink of weed." She said bluntly, as I apologised and took a step away from her. I realised in that moment how bad it had gotten and the man that I had become. I had let her down, she was the love of my life and I had let her down with only myself to blame.

"I don't want you to go." I admitted her as I cried. She placed her hands on my cheeks and wiped away the tears that were falling; they began to form in her own eyes. "Well Billie, I don't want to stay." I nodded, understanding what she meant. "I never meant to hurt you." I said as I took her hands in mine. "Never."

"I know, Billie." She replied as I just continued to pour my heart out in the faint hope that it would make her stay. "You are my whole world and I am so sorry."

"Billie, I love you but we've drifted apart, you can't deny that. Things have blown up, our careers have taken off in ways that we couldn't even imagine." I clung onto her every word. "Right now, I think that it's best that we go our separate ways, and live our own ways." She kissed me delicately, before turning away. "I love you so much Billie Joe." She said finally, before walking out of the door; leaving me alone.

Two weeks later:

Today was the day that (Y/n) was leaving. She had been staying in a hotel not far from where we lived. She had packed up all of her stuff, and it had been sent away to her new place. 

"Where is she?" I asked the woman that I knew formally as her boss. She looked at me, confused. "Where's (Y/n)."

"(Y/n)'s gone. She's just left for the airport." Without saying anything, I ran back to my car and headed straight to the airport. Even if I couldn't convince her to stay, respecting her wishes, I just needed her to know how much she means, and how much she'll always mean to me. 

"(Y/n)!" I shouted as I saw her at the gate. "(Y/n)!" She turned around and looked shocked. "Billie?" She moved past the few people that were behind her, apologising to them as she did so. "Billie, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you." I admitted to her. Seeing her again made my heart beat fast, just as it had done when I'd met her for the first time. "Billie..." She tried to interrupt me but I needed to speak, and I needed her to listen. 

"Listen to me (Y/n), I know that I let you down, and I'm so sorry." I took a deep breath. "You deserve so much better. I love you."

"I love you too, which is why I have to go." She told me, before she kissed my cheek. "You, Billie, are amazing, but we're bad for each other right now. We need to figure out what we want."

"I want you." I told her.

"I know, but we have to figure out what we want away from each other, and the people that we want to be." I wiped away a tear that was forming in her eyes. "You'll always have a special place in my heart Billie. I'll always love you." I smiled. "Look after yourself Billie." She squeezed my hand, before I watched her as she board her plane, and stood in the exact same place, waiting for the courage to go back to my empty house; the one that was filled with reminders of (Y/n). The love of my life. The one that I had lost for good, and now I'd never be the same. 


**Time Skip**

Two Years Later:

(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

"(Y/n)." I turned around when I heard someone calling my name and I recognised the person standing behind me immediately. "(Y/n). It is you." They said as as I felt myself running into their open arms. "Billie." I smiled as he held me close to him. 

"I can't believe it." He admitted as he held my face between his hands. "I never thought that I'd see you again." 

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