Chapter 13 - Flowers

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Your P.O.V:

I closed the front door behind me, after a long day at work. I was greeted by an empty house. It was a lot warmer inside than it was outside; outside it was pouring down with rain; meaning that the short walk from my car meant that I was completely soaked by the rain. I placed my bag by the front door, threw my shoes down to the floor, and ran upstairs to jump in the shower, and put some warmer, and dryer, clothes on. 

When I returned downstairs, I made myself a hot drink, and took a seat on the sofa with my bag to get some work done before I made food. I flicked through the never ending pieces of paper, reading every word that was written across them, when I heard a knock at the front door. I raised my eyebrows before looking outside the window; it was still raining. Who on earth would still be out in this weather? I stood up from my sofa, placed the work down, and headed to the front door to see who was standing there. When I opened it, I saw the person standing outside, turn around and look at me; it was Billie. "Billie? What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise. "Are you alright?"

His eyes sparkled as he looked at me. "I needed to see you." He said, simply as he stood in the pouring rain. "Billie-" I began, about to offer him to come inside and out of the rain as it got heavier. "I got these for you." He said, handing me a bunch of my favourite flowers. "You always liked them." He stated. 

"You remembered?"

"How could I forget?" He asked, smiling. "Listen, I needed to see you. I couldn't wait any longer." He said, looking down at his feet. "I know that you said you didn't know what you wanted, and that you needed time, but I know what I am. I want you, (Y/n)." I felt my heart beat at a million miles inside my chest. "I know that it's selfish of me to just come here, unannounced and say that, but I needed you to know. I have never stopped loving you (Y/n). I tried, I tried so much to move on, but I've never been able to be with anyone else, because you are the only one I want to be with." 


"(Y/n), I would do anything for you, even walk, and stand in the pouring rain, making myself look like an idiot. I would do all that and so much more for you." Before I could reply, he came into the house, and kissed me without saying anything else.  When he pulled away, he looked at me. "I do love you (Y/n)." He stared at me for a few moments before he gave me a small smile, and headed back outside in the rain. I watched him walk down the street, still in a state of shock. I touched my lips gently as I reminisced about the past few minutes; taking in it all. I smiled.

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