Chapter Nine|I Constantly Thank God for Estaban

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Room 10-22

The door was wide open.

A requirement if you want to be alone. It's either that, or they lock you in. You could bang at the doors, and scream all you want, but if they lock you in for the night you'll never get to leave. It's best you leave your door open.

Phil stood at the entrance to the room across from his, tears pricking his blue eyes. He stared at the blonde boy in front of him with a smile despite how he was feeling.

"Hey there, Shadow Boy," Phil greets.

Evan sighs, "I wasn't expecting you. Who are you running from?"

Phil drops the cheesy smile, "I'm running from a noodle dish, and an unlisted Grey's Anatomy character."

Evan smiles, "Ah, the hospital's power couple."

Phil frowns, "Don't say that."


"I don't want to hear it."

Evan nods as if he understands, "You seem hurt."

"I'm always hurt," Phil replies quietly.

"Then let me show you how an old friend of mine used to take away the pain," Evan said.

He scooted over on his bed, and offered his hand to Phil with an inviting smile. Phil smiled back, and took his hand laying next to him on the bed.

They lay next to each other facing the water damaged ceiling, arms pressed together because of the limited space on the thin bed. Somehow, it wasn't completely uncomfortable.

"What exactly is this trick anyway? Sex?" Phil asked.

Evan shook his head laughing a bit, "No, it's talking."

"What if talking is what got you into the mess in the first place?" Phil asked.

"That's why it's talking that needs to get you out of it." Evan answered.

Phil sighed, "Can't argue with that logic."

Evan smiled, and turned on his side to face Phil, his back against the wall. Phil did the same. Now they faced each other grinning, so close they could feel the others breath on their face.

But somehow, it wasn't completely uncomfortable.

"Can I ask you more questions?" Evan asked.

"You just asked one," Phil said.

Evan rolled his eyes, "Please?"

"That's two, " Phil said with a smirk.

"Alright, here's the deal. I'll let you ask me whatever you want, and I'll answer honestly, but you have to answer three of my questions," Evan reasoned.

Phil thought about it for a moment, and then grinned, "Deal."

"Great, I'll go first," Evan said, "Do you have any family to go back to if you ever leave this place?"

Phil laughed, "I have my brother, his wife, and his kids. I miss them more than anything. I also think that my parents are still around, but they stopped visiting me around year four."


"Is that your second question?"


"Then what is it?" Phil says, changing the subject. He really didn't want to answer that.

"Fine, be that way. What puts you to sleep?" Evan asks.

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