Chapter 2: Woah of the "Wooaahh!"

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Chapter 2. //Drawing belongs to me\\

::Woah of the "Wooaahh!::


      "Do you need anything else, Miss Ania?" one of my waitress said. I nodded yes, "Yes Gloria! Bring me my, favorite slave..." Gloria bow down before she left to get my favorite slave.

      Lets just say, he's very handsome, he lets me do anything with him and his ...body. Not like the other slaves, he's....different...

   "Miss, here's your slave you requested."

      I looked in front of me and saw a skeleton. ' ready to tell him' I thought as I stood up and told him to follow me. Well, I force him to since I grabbed his chain, that was linked to his neck.

     We were walking quite a long time, I was heading the ocean, thats where the sunset is laying on the deep blue sea. Many colors is form, makes me in a certain way.

     I stopped and let go the chain and the sigh of relief escape of the skeleton. I turned to him, getting eye, or eye socket content. He looked nervous, 'Maybe becuase he haven't seen the outside' I thought. I cleared my throat,

     "Ink, I need you to deliver a letter to PaperJam."

      A sweat drop appeared in Ink skull. "Wut?" He cocked his head to the right. I facepalm, "INK!" He jumped and accepted my request. I smiled, "Good boy, this is why your ny favorite slave, I'll be sure you receive extra dessert."

   Ink seem excited, but sad in the same time. "But miss, this is telling me that your not brave of telling PaperJam face-to-face that you like him."  I stood frozen, I laughed sarcastic and put my palm to Ink left shoulder.

    "No dessert for you."

     Ink eyes widen and started to apologize, then all of a sudden, Error teleported in and kidnapped Ink! "Ink! Come back! This isn't the titanic movie!!"

   Poof, he's gone. I fell down to my knees, '  My favorite slave is gone..' I thought. "BAK BAK BAK BAK BAK BAK BAK!!!" I looked up, where the sound came from and saw...."Cows?" I said in confusion.

   Then the music background started playing "Heathens from Twenty One Pilots ."  I stood and out of nowhere, I a blink of a eye, I was in the sky and above the clouds. I wasn't freaking out, instead I reached out to the clouds and got a piece of it. "Squishy." I said out loud. Then I took a bite of it and pooped rainbow dusts-


   I groan and open my eyes to see the roof is gone!?!?!?


    I gasped for air and sat up. I looked around quickly. "Alright, I think this is reality." I said, as I catch my breathing.

     "Or is it?"

    I scream and slapped everything around me. "Ow! Sis calm down!" I looked to my left and saw my big sister next to me. I huffed, "Don't ever do that!" I shouted. She chuckled and left the room and left the door wide open.

       'Or no she didn't' I thought. 'This is gonna be a long morning'

:::At Ania School:::

       I was running through the empty hall, why you may ask? Well, a certain 'sister' kept bugging and accidentally, more like purposely, spilled my orange juice in my plates. So I ate soggy bacons and egss, yeah...

      I slapped open the door of my classroom, being all sweaty and tired, I walked in like a zombie. I heard small laughter left and right, but this sometimes happens so am use to it.

    "Your late." Mr. Stanley said sternly. I looked at him, "Sorry, my big sis isn't very respectful in mornings." Again, I heard laughter left in right. Mr. Stanley didn't even smile! I quickly sat down and did notes on what we're learning today.

   I sigh and thought about the double dream I had. I frown, 'Ink...slave?' wut....-__-....I felt a poke in my right arm and looked to the right to see my best friend Jess. I gave her the look of 'What?'

   Jess wispered, "Can I come to your house after school today?"

      "Ania! Jess! Detention after class! Stay focus! The exams are almost here and I want l my students to pass!" then he went back to the board.

      I almsot slapped Jess but calmed down. I whispered, "Jess! Couldn't you told me after class!" I said angrily. She chuckled and went to look at the bored and started writing notes. I also went back, 'This is gonna be a long day."

¤|:::After School:::|¤

       I was walking back home with Jess besides me. It was silent, but it wasn't ackward. I coughed," So, Jess, I had a weird dream last night and something creepy happen after I woke up."

       Jess looked at me with a interested look. "Go on." she said. I cleared my throat and her the story of my dream and the paint on my wall last night. I gasp, "That's right! The paint!I didn't see it in the morning!" Jess was about to say something until I started running towards home and my backpack bouncing on my back.

   "Ania slow down!" Jess shouted. I ignore her and ran in into my house and upstairs and ran into my bedroom. I turn on the light and looked to my right to the corner but...

       "Its not there...??"

    I went up to it and touched the wall where the "NOTHING" was.  Jess walked in and was huffing, "Don't run off so...suddenly ....Ania." I looked at Jess, "This is where the nothing is black paint was, but...its not"

     Jess sigh, "Ania your humiliating." I grew mad, "I am not! I swear, its was right there!" I pointed at the wall where I think the nothing was. Jess gave me a look of disappointment.

     I put my arm down and sat down at my bed sadly. "Am not crazy Jess."
I looked up and...

   "I know Ania, but I still think your humila-" I interrupted her with a shout, "JESS ITS THERE!!!" The nothing in black paint is there, it suddenly appeared! Jess looked at me weird, "What are you taking about, there nothing there." I was confused, 'how come I can see but she cant..?' I thought.

    Then I had an idea, "Jess come over here and sit down." I patted the seat next to me. Jess didn't question it and sat down. I looked at her reaction, her eyes widen. "Ania...OH MY SPAGHETTI ITS RIGHT THERE!!" I nodded yes, "Told you!" I got up and walked uo to it. "Weird, I couldn't see it when I was in the right side..."

   The word. 'Nothing' was in huge letters, it was above my head. "Its magical paint." Jess said, I chucked and touched the letter T and suddenly, my hand went through!?!

   "Jeeesssss." I said.

  Jess gasp, "Where's your hand!?!?"

   I put my other hand and reached out to letter O and as expected, my hand went through, Jess and I at the same time said,



Sup! Name's Novia, hope you liked that chapter and PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ace. Lol, bye bai!

-Novia Out!

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