Chapter 4: "BAKA!!"

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Chapter 4



              "Mt. Ebott."

      I couldn't bealive my eyes, 'Am I actually here?' I thought. I chuckled, "Mt. Ebott, more like, Mt. Ebutt." I shook my head, "No! I have to find Jess!" I stood up and looked around, all I see is tress, the city, the mountain, and grass, of course. I sigh, "Where are you Jess?"

       I shed some tears, knowing that I might never finding Jess , fills me with


      I started to walk towards the city, crossing the forest. Birds tweeting, I decided to record this while am here. I went to my backpack and dug through it. I felt a rectangle shape and took out my phone. I turned it on and went into camera and press the red button and it started to record.

       I slapped some leaves and jumped over big rocks, then a thought made me stop. 'If this is Undertale, wouldn't that the original characters will be here.' I sigh, 'Heh, am standing here thinking I could meet PapaerJam for real.' But I put up a smile cause maybe there's the original character, I could possibly meet them!

     So I kept walking, slightly hoping, to find any clue where is Jess.


*(---Jess POV---)*

    I woke up to see the blue sky. I groan as I sat up. " I?" I looked around, and foud myself in the- "WATCH OUT!" My eyes widen as I saw a car coming to me fast and felt someone pulled me back but, I felt no one tugging me back. I sort of flew backwards.

      "Are you ok?"

       'That voice! It souds so familiar.' I turned around and saw, I fainted. "Nyeh!? Human! SAAAAAANNNSS-"
I felt the world around me turned to blackness. 'Yeah, Papy is here....darn, the ship though...'


*(---Ania POV---)*

      I finially got out of that forest and was walking through the city. My breath was taken, there where humans and monsters! There not attacking or being mean to each other. 'Is this a Pacific world? Huh, never knew that monsters in the surface could be so much interesting.

      I walked inside a coffee shop and looked around, 'Humans having coffee with a bird monster, cute....WOAH!? Is that a human half monster baby!?' I stopped, 'I wish this was like my world. Over there is too normal and boring.' I thought and the baby looked at me, it was in a carriage. My eyes grew, the baby eyes were fully blue, no pupil. 'Cool.' I thought and walked away.

       I decided I had enough look around the coffee shop and went out. I smiled, "This world seems so freakin peaceful!" I said. I walked forward to the sidewalk, seeing monsters happy and the humans, my heart fluttered at the scene. I turn right and saw, "Oh meh gesh, is that sans!?" I whisper to myself. I stared at sans, he was with Toriel? Something about her seems different... I walked closer to them but tryed not to seem, suspicious.

        I walked closer and closer till I was a few meters away. My eyes widen,'Wait, that's not Toriel from Undertale, she's from Underfell!?' I thought and my heart was pounding hard. I looked at Sans and, 'No way...EVEN BLUEBERRY IS HERE!?!?' I stopped walking, my mouth was open, surprise at what I saw. I looked around and saw another type of AU of Mettation, but boyish? Behind the robot was fans chasing him...

     I giggled and looked around more, and then suddenly, I heard a familiar voice shouted, "WATCH OUT!!" I turned my head to the left and a girl was sitting on the streets and a tall skeleton got the girl but around her had ornage aura, she sorta like flew back and fell into the hands of the tall Skeleton. 'Wait a sec..' I thought.

   "Papyrus? From...Undertale?" I ran to them so see if the girl was alright, right as I shouted, the girl fainted, "JESS!!??" I saw Undertale sans walking over here but that wasn't important to me. I kneel down and grabbed Jess body into my hands.

      "Jess!? Please wake up, I've been looking everywhere for you!" I started to cry. "Hey kid, is that your friend?" I looked up and saw UT sans and at his goofy smile. I nodded yes, I couldn't speak knowing my friend could of died from the car crash. "Fellow human! We could help! The GREAT Papyrus knows how to treat humans with respect!"

   I looked at both at them, with hopeful eyes. "Well, more like healing in other words." I chuckled and accepted there help. Papyrus picked of Jess body, bridal style, I giggled. They told me to follow me and so I did. I thought there leading me to there house.

     Along the way, sans ask me a ...disturbing question. "Hey kid, do I know you from somewhere? Cause your voice sounds like one of my friends." I frown, "Well, this is my first time meeting you,"  Papyrus decided to chnage the topic.

      "So human! Am terribly sorry but we never ask for your name!" I smiled at both of them, "My name is Ania." Papyrus Nyehs' and told me everything was going to be fine. I laughed and looked at sans. But for a split second, I saw sans eye socket black, his white dots wasn't there. Fear grew inside on me but shook it away.

     We finally arrived to there house, it was three story high, lile oh boi, it was huge and wide(That's what she said 😁) I enter inside (That's what he said. Ok I'll stop) there house and saw many AU's. I blushed when I saw Ink, talking with Fresh.

    UT sans went somehwere else as Papyrus and I went to the living room and he layed Jess down in the couch. I thanked him with his help and he walked away. I sat next to Jess head and placed her head to my lap. 'Please don't faint again when you wake up.' I pleaded. 


I jumped a little and look up to see Dream. I replied, "Oh, Hi Dr- Dresser!" Dream put a confused face. "Dresser?" he ask. I came up a excuse,"Yeah, you know, Dresser." I pointed at a nakend toy doll, conveniently it was place doll. I realize I made a pun, but in accident. Dream laugh, "Your right, nice pun though!" Dream walked over to the doll and went upstairs.

   I sigh in relief, 'Dresser? Golly, good one Ania! But remember you can't say there names or else they get suspicious of me.' I thought. I sit back, breathing and day dream of Ct PJ hugging me, never letting me go.


    I jumped at the sudden shout. I open my eyes and looked at, Underfell Papyrus? 'Cool!' It thought. "Yessss?" I spoke like a snake. Papyrus smiled even wider, "I want you to meet everyone in the house!" 'Alright, how many monsters or humans in this place?' I thought.

      "First, let me introduce you to, PaperJam!"

     My eyes widen, although I kinda wish I was drinking something and spilled it on the carpet. I look up, "Hello, my name is PaperJam."

      I felt my face heating up, 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHMAMHHMMAHMMMHHHHAGHHHHHHG!' I thought. PaperJame cocked his head to the right, "Are you al-"

     I inturpt up him with-"BAKA!!!"


BYE BAI hope you liked it EHEHEHE


-Novia Out


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