Chapter 20: THE BABY IS COMING!!!

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Chapter 20



              §Ania POV§
      The last thing I remember was starring into whiteness, then I closed my eyes and went to sleep next to Jess. I felt a massive wind on my chest to all the way to my head. 'What? Where am I?' I thought. I saw black, but in front of me, I saw a green dot, it looked far. I reached out my hand, and I notice my arm was...bone!?! My eyes widen, 'W-What? Where's my fleshy skin!?' I shouted in my mind.

      I looked at my self, and I was wearing...Pea clothes or Undertale Peasant as I called...myself? I started to freak out and question why I'm Pea all of a sudden. I feel normal like usual, but I can't help that I'm a skeleton instead of a human. I inhaled and exhaled and reached out for the green dot. My hand went through the dot and a massive pain was felt near my woman hood.

           I screamed and hold my stomach? Although its not there, but it hurts like hell! "Come on Pea! You can do it! Breath, just breath!" I looked around for that voice but everywhere was black and the only thing that shine was the green dot. The green dot was glowing green, in the middle was a little growing white. I squinted my eyes and reached out for the green dot. I missed on how much pain I'm feeling.

            I saw the dot was getting farther away, I felt like I was in space. The green dot was slowly going further and further, very slowly. "N-No! Come back!" I shouted. I started to cry, the pain was to much, I was confused, 'What's happening!? No, I can't give up just yet!' I thought. I focused and tryed to ignore the pain the best I can.

            I swam towards the green dot, did everything in my power to reach for the green dot. I shouted and hold my invisible stomach with my left arm, and reached my hand to the green dot. 'Almost there!' I thought and gritted my teeth. My hand touched the green dot, it felt like a slimy glass ball. I smiled and reached my other hand to it and hold it in my arms.

              I laughed a bit and I heard a baby cry. My eyes widen as the dot showed me a scene on what was happening in reality. I gasp, "Pea? P-PJ?" I saw Pea laying diwn on a bed, her legs were separated apart, PJ besides her holding her hand. A nurse in front of Pea that looks like shes holding something. The nurse stood up that was front of Pea, and my tears were flowing like crazy. It was a baby skeleton. I laughed and smiled, I could PJ smiling big and Pea was smiling too and was laughing a bit.

         The nurse gave the baby skeleton, and I now notice it had a little glowing green hair and black big dots like how cows has them. I grew startled when I felt something tugging on my leg. I slowly looked down and screamed. There was a long sketchy monster that bond to almsot blackness. It was terrifying, I wiggled my leg and use my other leg to kick its face. The thing slipped and fell into the darkness.

              My breathing was quick, 'WHAT WAS THAT!?!? WHAT WAS THAT!?!? WHAT WAS THAT!?' I repeatedly thought, quickly. I heard moaning noises, then suddenly, I saw a huge hand that had long fingers reached out for my left leg. I screamed and lifted my both legs. The ball was getting dryer and it was easy to hold on. I looked at the ball and saw PJ panicking, Pea was confused.

           One of the nurses took the baby skeleton and took it to another room. Then doctors came in and told PJ and Pea to stay put. The ball flashed and it was now in another room that had technology machines. I noticed the baby skeleton eye socket were closed. There was a fish nurse, and a human nurse, and a few doctors. I slowly panic as I heard more moaning noises. Out of the blue, a monster that I seen before came out in front of me out of no where and it hugged me, trying to not let go of me. I screamed and tryed to wiggled it out.

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