Chapter 32: Stolen

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Chapter 29



[Frisk POV]

Saving both worlds is quite a hard task. We're at the edge of destruction. Everyone is panicking real bad but they do their best to hide it.

I flinch when I felt a sting on my left wrist. I looked down and reached for my sleeve, pulled my left arm close to me and pulled down my sleeve. There were many bumpy lines. One of them had small red circles.

I cursed under my breath and walked into the hallway, turned left and knocked on the bathroon door to see if anybody was in there.

Silence was heard.

I pushed open the door and close it behind me. I locked it and turn on the lights. I jumped when suddenly a loud noise was heard like a air conditioner. Soon I realized I turn on the restroom air conditioner instead of the light bulbs. I sigh and went to turn it off and then turn on the lights.

The bright light blinded me for a moment and my vision went normal. I went to the sink and pull up both of my sleeves and started to wash both of my now bloody arms with soap.

Later I dry my arms and went to check my sweater sleeves. I could see blood stain slots everywhere. I groan slightly and did my best to wash out both bloody sleeves. Suddenly I felt a pressure in my chest, my eyes started to burn a bit. My lower vision was getting blurry.

I shook my head to try to stop the tears from falling. But I wasn't determined to do so. I stopped scrubbing and put my sweater on a place to let it dry. I sniffed a wined and wiped my eyes many times.

'Frisk, stop crying you big baby!' I thought, scolding myself.

I then dropped to floor, my wobbly legs went out. Pulling my legs to my chest, I put my head down and continue to cry. I whimpered loudly and bit my upper lips, hoping no one heard that. But part of me hoped someone did heard that, so they could help me.

I opened my eyes to see my hair in my face, and thin cracks of the floor. 'Why?...My reset button is gone, my save button is also gone, and I only have continue, mercy, and fight button.' I thought.

The strange thing is, my mercy button is slowly fading away, getting more blury each day. I kept on thinking, 'Positive thoughts is hard to go inside my head and stay there. But they jump off the window like Papyrus.' I giggled and remembered Papyrus jumping out the widow unnaturally at Undyne house.

I dropped my smile, kept starring at the floor without blinking. 'W h o H a s T h e R e s e t B u t t o n ? . . . '

[Pea POV]

Everyone started questioning Arod about her quote. "but how tho?" "A-Are you s-searious, how are you g-gonna d-d-do that?" "Is everything gonna be alright?" "When will you do it though?" "Hey! Punk! I bealive in yeah!" "Are you sure you can do this?"

I told PJ to hold Pastel and butt in the group. "Hey guys, give her space!" I said loudly, but their loud voices were over topping mine. I scrunched up my face, a bit ticked off. "Guys!" I shouted more loudly than before.

They still didn't acknowledged my existence. I looked back at PJ and he had a worried, angry expression. He was gonna screamed at them but someone was quicker than him.


I turned my face towards the voice and it was Sansdra. Sansdra cleard her 'throat' and looked down shyly. Lust sans was stading behind her side and he looked amazed. And then he put out on a weird grin.

I looked back at the group and they back off, some walked away.

I sigh happily and thanked Sansdra. Sansdra smiled and blushed a little in embarrassment. Arod thank her too and winked at her. I frown but shook my head. I looked back and sign PJ too follow. I looked back at Arod and told her that we needed to discuss this. She nodded, "Definitely." she respond.

Her, PJ, Pastel, and I all enterted the living room and sat down the couches. "So, how exactly are you gonna save both worlds? With what power or mgaic?" Arod was about to speak until someone interrupted us.

"Wait for us!"

I looked at the entrance and Ania,Jess, Ink, Error, and Dream jogged in. I heard Arod wine but I ignore it. I was sitting next to PJ-who was holding Pastel, playing with her smol hands-, and Arod was sitting in the opposite side.

Ania sat next to me, along with Jess at her side. Ink stood alone in front of the table. And Error and Dream went to sit down on the opposite side of Ink and grabbed a chair for themselves.

Arod pumped her shirt up and down. "Do I r-really need to aaalll of you." she said while looking at each of us. Ink answered her question, "Yes, we need to know your plans."

I nodded, agreeing to Ink. Arod put her legs up the sofa Apple sause cross and hold out both of her hands. Her hands started to glow blue and a mist of blue with small glowing white dots with it was swirling around her hand and up her arm.

She squinted her eyes and quickly opened them and we all gasp except Ania. Her eyes were white but has a very light shade of blue. Her hair was flowing a bit up and her hair tips was staining blue, glowing like a star diamond.

It was a beautiful veiw, her magic was amazing and- *throw up sound affect* I turn to my left in confusion and saw a puddle of black ink. I notice Ink scarf was a bit stain with black spots. I heard Error sigh and Jess squeal. Ania and I chuckled at the same time and PJ only glance-cause he was use to seeing Ink like that- at Ink because he was too busy playing with Pastel.

The lack of blue light disappear and normal yellowish-white light appeared back. Arod looked at Ink and giggle. "Woah, that's sick nasty yo." Ink scratched behind his neck and apologize.

He then did a wierd awesome thing and picked up(?) the black paint and snapped his fingers. The paint disappeared and so did the stain in his scarf. A few chats here and there and Arod went back focusing her explanation.


20 or 25 days since I last upload?

Who's more sexy? Ink or PJ?

HEYA! Howzagoin? Good? Horrible?



Anyways, a week ago I wanted to give you guys girls a A/N but I decided..not... Because I didn't want to get your hopes up and find out its a Author note.

So! Next chapter will be PJ and Pea AlOnE TiMe~~~

& bye bai!

-Novia Creator, Out!

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