Chapter 8: Expect The Unexpected

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Chapter 8       [That painting belongs to me][Bad words ahead and sexual too like...smut kind of?]

::Expect The Unexpected::


         I stood there motionless, rejecting her of Jess and I going back to our own world. "Am sorry Ania, but I must to do it, if you don't accept, I must take you and Jess back to your own world by force." the girl said. I looked at and starred at her eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking,

      "Then how come the AU's can see each other and even live there!? And we cannot!? That makes no sense!"

       The girl, lets just call her Arod, faced her head to the left. "Because, your world, monsters doesn't exist. The AU's, all of them have monsters and magic, there similar, and its ok for them, but for you two, your different, whoever put that portal there in your room must be powerful."

     I gasp, 'I never said that portal was in my room...'. My heart pounded in fear, "It was you, wasn't it." I said sternly. Arod looked at me, with the same emotionless expression. "No." she said coldy. My face grew red of anger, "It is you! I never told you that the portal was in my room!!" I shouted in anger.

         Arod sighed deeply, and started to walk away into the darkness, "Hey! COME BACK!!" I screamed and it echoed back. 'I'll give you five more days, that's all, deadline. You must not tell anybody this, or me...goodbye Ania.' I twitched at the sudden voice, "Did she telepathy me?" I said to myslef. Then I heard a familiar shout came to the left.

    I looked to my left to see darkness, but the shouting became louder and clearer. "ania...ania!...Ania!...ANIA!!!" My eyes widen and started screaming for help. Soon, I saw figures getting bigger. There was actually two figures, it becomes clear who it was.

      I shout with joy, "Pea!? Ink!? Hey! Am over here!!" I started to cry because I thought I was be left alone, nobody knows where I was, well except this two. "Ania!" Pea shouted and ran faster than Ink and gave me a bear hug. I patted her back, "C-Can't breath!" I barely said. Pea released me and was crying dark green tears.

     Ink came and was happy to see me. "How did you guys found me?" I said smiling. Ink cleared his throat, "Well, we went to Error and he told us that somebody told him to tell me that you where here and took us here." My eyes widen, "Yeah, hey Ania, by any chance, do you know who is this...person?" Pea asked me.

          'No, I must not tell.' I thought. "No, I just woke up here and found myself in blue but turned into pick strings on my heart shape soul." Pea frown as I looked at my chest, but my soul wasn't there and the pick strings were gone. I yawned, and Ink chuckled, "Someone is sleepy, Ania its time for bed."

     I glared at Ink, "Ok daddy, whatever you say." I said as Ink blush rainbow. I laughed quietly. "We should be heading now." Pea said as she grabbed hold of Ink and mine hands, and then we teleported back home.

           I almost threw up but didn't but instead fainted. But I never greeted the ground and felt I was in somebody arms. "You can put her in my room, Ink."
And I went into a deep sleep.

     ==¤|30 minutes and 16 seconds later|¤==

       §°Undertale Peasant POV°§

            Everyone was going back to sleep after a long worrying day. I went inside the bathroom, which was in my room, like man, how cool is that! Anyways...I turned on the lights,  grabbed my tooth brush, pasted tooth paste, splash some water to it, and started brushing my teeth. After all that all, I got out of the bathroom, turning off the bathroom lights and my room lights, and layed next to Ania, who is passed out from teleporting for the first time.

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