Chapter 10:Positive

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Chapter 10


°¿-Ania Pov-¿°

Its been three days since I last saw Arod...that random human...or is it human? I don't know what life means anymore! I only have two more days left, and Jess and I have to leave. I haven't told anybody this, I don't know how to start. I sigh and rolled out of bed, carefully not to wake up Pea. I walked inside the bathroom and grab my toothbrush, put toothpaste, sprinkled it with watter of the sink, and started brushing my teeth. After I was done with my morning routine, I walked out but Pea ran in suddenly and started to throw up in the toilet. I gasp and kneeled down next to her and pated her back.

         She's been like this for awhile. Pea finally stopped and spit out her last barf and flushed the toilet. She sat down heavily breathing. 'Maybe...' I thought curiosity. Pea did 'do it' with PJ so it should make sense. Then I decided to check something. I got up and searched threw the cabinets in the bathroom and found those pregnant test thingie. 'Ah-ha! Foud ya.' I thought in pride.  I smiled and turn to Pea, "Hey, I need to you to test this for me, please." I said. She looked up and her pupils faded. Pea suddenly grabbed the pregnant test thingie and use her magic to levitate me and threw me out my force then she shut the door close. I 'Oof!' when the floor greeted me. I sat up and sigh, 'Please let it be Positive, I always wanted to be a aunt.' I thought.

       I walked out of our room and went to the living room and sat down besides sans, who is sleeping. I saw other Au's doing there own stuff.  Knowing Jess and I will be leaving soon, fills me with


           A tear escape my eyes, I slowly started to cry, 'I just don't want to leave!' I scream in my mind. I sniffed, I couldn't take it no more, I was trembling terribly, my forehead hurts, my legs feel numb, I balled out my eyes and put my hands to my eyes and cried out loud. I felt movement next to me, "hey kid, are you ok? whats wrong?" sans said. Soon, everybody started to ask me if I was alright. I shook my head 'no', "I d-don't want t-to leave!!" I shouted.

==~Jess POV~==

        "I d-don't want t-to leave!!"

    'Huh?' I thought and turn my head back where the soud came from. 'Was that Ania?' I thought and walked out of the kitchen and walked into the living room and saw Ania crying, and bealive me, I have never seen her cried this hard. I immediately ran to her and wrap my arms around her and place her head in my chest and my left hand on her head, gently stroking her hair. "Hey, Hey calm down." I heartily said. I could feel Ania, she was trembling hard core and hugged my for dear life.

         "My dear child, you can stay here forever, no need to cry." UT Toriel said. Ania shook her head 'no', the next thing she did confused me. "You don't understand...Jess and I have to leave in two days by force." I frown, I ask her, "By force? Ania what do you me-?" I got interrupted by a similar voice of Ania, scream. I looked behind me and saw Pea teleported in with a furious look, "ANIA! HOW IS TH-!!!" Pea stopped as soon she saw Ania tearing face. Pea softed her face, "A-Ania, what's wrong?" Ania looked up, "Remember you and Ink saved me in that black void? There was this strange powerful human(?), I think  she was the one who put that portal in the first place of how Jess and I got here. Now she's going to take Jess and I back where we belong in two days." Ania said.

       °¿-Pea POV-¿°

     I felt the world around me darken. Silence was definitely heard....I dropped the pregnant test thingie and made a loud soud. I heard more Au's came down, "Hey, what's happening here?" My eyes widen, that's PJ voice,  senses came back to me. I felt a skele hand on my right shoulder, "Pea, are you ok?" I slowly looked at him, I started to cry. PJ gasp quietly and picked up the pregant test thingie, " this...yours?" I slowly nodded. I could feel Ania extreme uncomfortableness, I was too.

                 "Everyone leave."
          Core frisk said sternly. Everyone left except Ania, Jess, sans, UT Frisk, PJ, Ink, and I. A few minutes later, Ania explain that she was going to leave in two days and about the strange figure in the black void. Nobody talked, or should I say, No 'body' ?..........ok I'll stop. Nobody talked, Ink decided to break the terribly thin silence. "Ania, I do believe you, but am sorry but you have to leave." Ania grew red, "But I just got here! It's not fair!" Jess calmed her down. I sigh and got up, " so sorry, but lets try to have fun in the last two days." I smiled and went to my room, PJ walled besides me, not saying anything. Ania cries filled the room, I suddenly feel like throwing up but hold it in.

        ~[Ania POV]~

        UT frisk, sans, even Jess was comforting me. A burning sensation was in my chest, or should I say 'san'sation? so depressed right now...The burning flow in my chest and grew, I couldn't take it no more, "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" There surprise expressions made me cried more. They soon left, even Jess, and I was left alone.

         "If you continue to hurt their feelings, I'll bring you and Jess back tomorrow in the morning."

        I gritted my teeth and look around to try to find that creature. "Come out you coward!" I shouted. She chuckled, " If you want to change your fate then follow tha soud of the raindrops, but be careful, this won't be easy to follow the soft gentle soud."  The voice faded away and I heard the raindrops behind me and I quickly ran to my backpack and went out of the house and followed the raindrops.

     °¿-Pea POV-¿°

      The walk to my room was uncomfortable, PJ wouldn't say anything. I looked over him, but his eyes where looking forward. I looked back and we finially arrived at my room. I open the door and walked in, PJ walked followed. I closed the door, PJ turn on the lights and faced me. I inhale and exhale and open my mouth,


   His eyes meet mine. I sadden my eyes, "Why aren't you happy about this?" I ask. PJ grew concern and spoke, "I am happy Ania but...I didn't really expected this..." I smiled, PJ laughed a bit and said, "Well, its a good thing I didn't use a condom, now I got a baby waiting for me- err us!" I giggled and PJ hugged me.

      I -of course- hugged back and cried of joy. I snuggled my head in his neck and laughed with him with joy. We un hugg and PJ licked my teeth, I blused a dark green. I screamed inside, which was heard outside like a 'Epp!'. PJ chuckled.  Then PJ surprised me by ducking down a bit and put his hands in both of my lesg and my back and lifted me off ground. I yelped in surprise. He swirled me around and walked to my bed and gently place me down and layed beside me.

       Our head was touching, this was a amazing moment, besides Ania and Jess leaving in two days situation. I close my eyes, and took a nap next to my sexy baka.


    WIGGIDY DIGGIDY WASSUP MEH HOMIES!! .....Am sorry....I know I haven't wrote a chapter in two or three weeks and I HAVE AN EXPLANATION.

         My phone been taken away by my father, and told me my phone is taken away for three weeks...and comes back at Oct 21 on a Friday...  AND SO AM BACK. ....please forgive me. I'll try to write two chapters everyday-starting tomorrow- for forgiveness of you girls and maybe some guys, who knows guys read this. Yeah...BYE BAI

-Novia Creator Out!

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