The End.

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This chapter is just an intro that sort of explains what happened beforehand. It's not the beginning of the actual story. More like a precursor.
          They knew it was coming. They knew long before the humans even had a clue. All of the nations could feel it. That strange eerie feeling that something was coming. They were keen to it like animals when a storm was coming. England, Norway, and Romania had tried all of their spells they could possibly think of and nothing stopped the strange sensation.

It was happening soon. By this time, most of the humans had caught on to the idea of the world as they knew it soon ending. The nations helped the humans prepare for the worst. Deep down they knew that most of their people would likely die. As for their own survival, no one quite knew what to expect. Most of the countries were fairly prepared. After all, with all of the wars and hell they've been through, they didn't think that this could possibly be much worse..... That is until it actually happened...
It started slowly. Multiple natural disasters started happening. From minor tornadoes in the west, to devastating tsunamis in the east. All over the world, chaos and disaster was starting.
After about six months of slow torment from Mother Nature, things started heating up, literally. If global warming was a problem before, then this takes the cake. After nearly two months of excruciating heat, a good majority of the worlds ice and snow was nothing but a distant memory. Antarctica was actually showing its true colors, after the layers and tons of snow and ice melted off.
Along with the cold, the animals went. The tundra animals died off first, and then it spread until the only population of animals that weren't on the brink of extinction either lived in the water, or the rainforests. After the animals, humans started dropping off as well.
Then suddenly, a meteor came crashing down. Though it fell in the top of the Atlantic Ocean (near the Arctic) almost no country was left unscathed. The collision caused major hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, and more. The countries bordering the Atlantic barely made it out alive.
A final World Meeting between the nations was held after gathering the Atlantic nations from their newly-found hell holes. Iceland got hit the worst. His land was actually torn in two. All of his volcanoes, even dormant ones, erupted. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and major flooding. It's amazing that he's even still alive. England, Norway, America, and Canada were all in fairly bad shape as well, although America and Canada were able to escape further inland.
While the meeting was held, the nations with the worst wounds were tended too. By now, everyone was scared for what the future held for them. Even Germany. The stern looking tall blond with piercing baby blue eyes stood at the front of the room.
"Alright, I know this is terrifying to all of us, but knowing the chiza we've already been through, I know that we can pull through. And to do that, we need a plan. Some of us have already been hit with the worst of it but-"
Ludwig's words are cut short when a sudden explosion happens outside, shattering any windows in the room, causing glass to go flying everywhere and hitting some of them. Then everything goes black. Almost as if the sun had suddenly vanished from the sky. And almost as soon as it started, another wave of explosions hit and the sun meekly returned. Poking out of ash-ridden clouds. The building was completely destroyed, and most of the nations were knocked out, the ones still standing either escaping or digging out their comrades.

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