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      "Lukas, where are you~?"
      "You can't hide forever, Lukas~"


      A wide, green and yellow field. I remember this place. The cotton of my clothes flapping behind me as I run with my bow over my shoulder. A forest comes into my sight. Without hesitating, I dash into it. This place all too familiar, but where. Where am I? That familiar, sweet voice. Whose is it?
      I trip. Rolling down the damp ground. Broken sticks and brier bushes cutting into my fair skin. I feel a warmth trickle down my face. Blood. I don't have time. Why don't I have time? I keep running. Barely seen branches whipping me in the face. I see faeries and brownies shooting past me. What am I running from? What are they running from?
I see a cliff. End of the line. I near the edge of the cliff and see a boat. Boat? Who's coming and why? I look down to see cut up legs that of a child. I'm a child again? I see the golden ribbon tied around my small leg. The tattered and dirtied-once white- cloth swaying gently around my knees.


      I turn. A familiar face flashes in front of me.

      "It's time to get up now."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      I bolt awake. Barely remembering my dream. I stay quiet hoping no one somehow miraculously heard me. Silence, silence, and more silence. Almost too much of it. I lean against the wall and collect my thoughts.

      'Just what is going on with me?'

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