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      When we leave, the sun is just barely creeping over the ash-ridden horizon. The sound of infected echo off of abandoned buildings. None of them are visible, but never let your guard down. We walk quietly through the broken roads.
      'Wasn't this the place where the meeting was held...?' My memory is foggy, but I believe that this is where the journey started. I'm so lost in my mind that the only thing that shook me out of it was a loud 'bang' next to my ear.
I jump and while my ears are still ringing, my wrist is grabbed and I'm pulled away.    
      Struggling to keep up with the fin, I look behind me.
      Mathias is holding his revolver in his hand and running behind the shorter Finnish man and myself. And behind him I see frantic movements of multiple figures.
      I stumble behind Tino as the pain in my leg increases. He pulls me sharply right and down an alley way. I don't see Denmark behind me anymore. I hear gunshots and inhuman screaming. Finland and I weave through broken streets and rusting cars. I no longer hear gunshots and the Dane is nowhere is my vision. Tino pushes me through a door and I nearly fall when I trip over a broken shelf. Finny motions for me to sit next to him and the door. The world is quiet besides the rushing of blood in my ears and the faint pounding of a heartbeat. The sounds of infected slowly getting closer.
      And closer.
      And closer.
      Until I can see a shadow from one thrown onto the floor in front of me.
      'Where is Denmark? That damn Dane better be ok.'
      Bam. Glass shatters onto my head and I hear the Dane curse something in his language. Finland raises his arm and waves through the window to signal where we are.
      Mathias enters the room breathing heavily, but that's to be expected. His bag is resting on one shoulder and his face and clothes are stained from blood (of the infected, I presume.)    
      He sits next to me, his chest heaving. He doesn't make eye contact with either of us as we all catch our breath.
      I see blood seeping through my pants leg where my injury is. The more I stare at it, the more conscious I become of the pain searing though my body. My land must've taken a lot of damage as I notice that my leg has yet to have been healed any.
      "Well that... was an experience..." Denmark breathes out.
      "Y-yeah..." Finland replies tiredly.
      I stay silent and hold tightly to my thigh, right above where the cut is.
      "We should get going soon... Who knows what heard the... commotion..." I say, sucking in a quick breath as I feel the tender skin on my leg.
      "Yeah..." Mathias stands up, his hand on his left shoulder over the strap of his bag.
      Tino stands up as well. Both of them reaching out one hand to pull me up. I accept the help and they gently, but quickly assist me up. Tino and I walk out and I realize that Denmark... is lagging behind..

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