Where Are You.

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'Austria, huh. Closer to Italy or Germany?'
I can't manage words so I only think them and hope someone will miraculously answer. The man sitting next to me notices the shaking in my arms. I'm weak. My body is throbbing with pain. My head pounding. Ears, ringing.
      "Lie b'ck d'n." The man says. " 'll expl'n for ya'"
I glance back at the man, and slowly let myself slide back down onto my back.
      "We're 'n a sh'lt'r 'n south'rn Austr'ia," the man begins, "We f'und ya 'n Germany a s'me time ag'. Ya been out ev'r since. Musta been hit hard, huh?"
      I look at the man with my dull indigo eyes. Studying him. He doesn't look like anyone I know, and his accent sounds like a mix between maybe Swedish... And, german? I don't know.
      "Wha-... What about..." My voice goes and I begin to cough. Hard enough to make my entire body ache. I cough for a good three to four minutes before I calm down again. Completely engrossed in pain, I nearly pass out.


      I bolt up, startling a person walking passed my bed. They stare at me for a few seconds before walking off again. I barely feel any pain anymore. Apparently I did pass out. How long have I been out though? I remove the dirty blanket from my body. Surprised to find most of my clothes still on my weakened body. I let my legs dangle over the side of my bed and hardly notice when the man from before walks up to me.
      "Ah. I see yer f'nally awake." He says to me, snapping me out of my train of thought. "Ya've been out a'whil' n'w."
      How long exactly is 'a while'?
      "Huh. Really? Mind elaborating a bit?" I say. He looks surprised when I actually manage an entire sentence without my voice cutting out, although still shaky, and almost at a whisper. Like usual, my voice was monotonous and lacking emotion.
      "Ab'ut a m'nth an' a h'f"
      "Oh." I stand up and realize that I'm weaker than I thought. I try not to stumble and nearly succeed besides a few wobbly steps. No matter. This is the end of the world. The weak die.                         "What's the condition of the outside world?" I ask him.
      "Well... Cha's, I guess. Th' g'v'rnments 'f mult'ple c'ntries have tried to start... Sh'lters. Like, protected districts."

      "Oh, why is that?"

      "Th' v'rus"

Hey, so, I'm sorry if the story is dragging out unnecessarily long. I'm keen for details and so my stories are usually pretty long... I'm also sorry if the story is kinda all over the place. This is the first story I've ever written that I've let other people read, so I don't really know how good it will be...

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