Chapter 1

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When Castle left the precinct this afternoon, he didn't have the spring in his step he usually did and he hadn't rattled off impossible theories at all today. I made the decision to leave work slightly early and head over to see him. Besides, the paperwork would be there tomorrow.

When I knocked on his door, he opened it and I was confronted with the saddest look I had ever seen on his face and it only made me more worried about him.

"Are you alright, Castle?" I asked cautiously.

He slowly shook his head 'no' and my concern for him grew. He stepped aside and I walked in, hearing him shut the door softly behind me. When I turned around to face him, he was close, but not close as he had been on previous occasions.

"I'm in need of a hug, Detective."

"Are you serious?" I asked incredulously.

"Deadly." He replied. I stepped closer to him and let him wrap his arms around me and bury his face in my neck. I slowly wrapped my arms around his torso and held him firmly into my body. I felt him place a delicate kiss to my neck and I instantly froze where I stood. His lips were warm and soft against my skin and as much as I knew I shouldn't be enjoying the feel, my eyes fluttered closed in pleasure.

"Castle..." I asked shakily, my breathing slightly uneven.

"Kiss me, Kate." He mumbled against my neck.

"What?" I replied as shock was written all over my face.

"Kiss me." He said again.

"Castle, I..."

"Please, Kate." He whispered, removing his face from my neck and looking me in the eyes. In them I saw sadness, hurt, fear and the need to be reconciled.

I lent in cautiously and kissed his cheek ever so lightly.

"No, Kate. I mean really kiss me. Please..."

I swallowed past the lump in my throat and nervously licked over my lips before I slowly moved in and pressed my lips delicately against his. I could feel tears slips down his cheeks and transfer over to mine as he slowly kissed me back.

At first, I just wanted it to be over quickly but then I started to enjoy it and held him closer to me. I pulled my lips away and felt him begin to protest before I turned my head and reattached my lips to his. I even was so bold that I gently poked my tongue into his mouth, smiling as I did, feeling his languidly brush against mine. I felt my hands slide up his torso and shoulders to wrap around his neck and engulf my fingers in his thick locks. My hand had a mind of its own as it began stroking his hair as I continued to kiss him. I felt his arms wrap possessively tighter around me and I found myself pushing his mouth harder into mine and kissing him with a bigger sense of urgency. He slowly detached his lips from mine and began gently kissing my neck.

"Please... Don't let me go." He begged.

"Castle, I..." He quickly silenced my protest by placing his mouth back over mine, causing me to take a surprised and contented inhale through my nose. I kissed him back eagerly but I somehow managed to regain my senses and pulled myself away from his lips and rest my forehead against his. "Castle, I'm still with Josh." I whispered breathlessly.

"Please, Kate. That's all I'm asking for. Stay with me for one night. Hug me, sleep next to me and you can go home to Josh in the morning. Just... Please. I can't be alone." He whimpered.

"What about Alexis and Martha?" I asked.

"They left." He replied sadly, more tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Where?" I prompted.

"Alexis went to spend the night with Ashleigh and Mother is off at some all hours theatre party. I just... I don't want to be alone." I gently ran my hand down his cheek and brushed the tears that were there away for him with my thumb.

"There's something else though, isn't there?" I asked carefully. He slowly nodded his head 'yes'. "You want to tell me what it is?" I watched helplessly as more tears slipped from his closed eyes.

"Alexis is leaving with Ashleigh to go to College with him and Mother is moving in with one of her Theatre buddies to share an apartment. I'll be in this big house all by myself. Without anyone else in it, it just seems to empty and lonely." He sobbed quietly into my shoulder. "Please... Please stay with me." He begged. I slowly moved in closer to his lips, my nose gently touching his, somehow my better judgment slipping some as I did so. "Just, please... Hold me." He whispered against my lips, moving in again and placing a gentle peck there. When he pulled away, I unthinkingly mumbled "Don't stop." before directing him back to my comforting lips and let out an involuntary sigh in contentment as they met. I pulled away for a moment to brush his messy hair out of his face before quickly reattaching my lips to his.

I knew what I was doing was wrong. That giving him false hope about us was cruel and that it was wrong of me to be cheating on Josh because he is so good to me.

But how can something so bad, feel so good.

Castle always boasted about how he was a good kisser but that wasn't the half of it. Sure, we'd kissed before. But that was different circumstances and it was urgent and despite and to fool someone into thinking that we were no threat in order to save Esposito and Ryan. But this was slow, sensual but still had the same level of need. It seemed to leave me wanting so much more that he could offer me in his current state. Right now, he needed a friend. Someone to hold him, to take care of him, tell him it was going to be ok, to shower him with kisses and show him affection and love.

Could I show him love? I was going to try my hardest to show him I could.

I moulded my lips around his and tried to convey all of the affection and love I could into it. I tenderly caressed his cheek and, with my heart pounding in my chest, I slowly detached my lips from his and moved the slowly down his jaw and to his neck. I could hear him sigh into my hair, letting me know I was doing a good job.

"Kate..." He whispered, somewhat breathily. "Kate, if this doesn't mean anything to you, please stop. I don't want to be lied to. I would rather you sped time with me than you kiss me and it mean nothing to you when it means everything to me." He told me.

I had a decision to make. Lie to him and keep on kissing him or stop and be the friend that he needed me to be. The only problem with that was as much as I wanted to be truthful to him and be the friend he needed me to be, I couldn't stop kissing him. My lips slowly travelled up his neck to his jaw and finally, immersing my hands in his hair, I kissed his soft lips. I felt him smile against my lips as he held me firmly against his chest. His lips grasped mine tightly, moving slowly over mine while stroking his hands up and down my back.

He pulled away, a hint of a smile on his face. "You hungry?"

"Yeah. What do you have in mind?"

"Chinese takeout?"

"Perfect." I smiled.

Comfort Kiss (Caskett Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now