Chapter 7

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Once the event of Castle's attempted suicide had died down, they boys, after Esposito giving him a quick check over for any obvious injuries, the boys left the pair to work through this new development in their relationship.

"Oh and Beckett?" Ryan addressed, halfway out the door, looking at the pair who were exchanging a loving embrace as they looked back at him expectantly. "We'll keep this hush hush. No one outside this immediate family has to know." I smiled as he inadvertently repeated my words after Montgomery's death. It also warmed my heart to know that they included Castle in our little unconventional family as well.

"Thank you." Castle replied for me, nodding to Ryan. And with that, he left, closing the door quietly behind him.

I turned to Castle, wrapping my arms securely around his torso, burying my face in his chest, and feeling him squeeze me back just as tightly.

"You have no idea how close I was to loosing you." I whispered through the lump in my throat. I felt his hand run through my hair in a slow, soothing motion, somewhat similar to what my mum used to do for me.

"I won't apologise for what I did but I accept the affect that it had on you." He whispered, his voice still horse after being crushed for so long.

"I'm so sorry I left you. I was scared! I didn't want to admit that you were it for me. That you were my standard. That no one else could compare to you. I just..." At this point I was sobbing quietly into his chest, only to be cut short when he gently cupped my cheek and my words died on my lips when his baby blues pierced into my soul.

"I understand Kate. I do. Just..." He let out a sigh, avoiding her eyes for just a moment. "Don't do it again." He let out a small burst of laughter, his first attempt at humour since his attempted suicide, pressing his forehead to mine. I nodded against him, feeling my eyes well up again, before I felt him angle his head, attaching his lips to mine, moving them gently against mine. I let out a rather undignified whimper as I moved my lips with his, wrapping my arms more firmly around his torso, anchoring myself to him, gripping so tightly for fear that my legs would give out from under me.

"Kate..." He mumbled against her lips, pulling himself slowly away, his eyes still closed as he slowly started to back away from me.

"Promise you won't shut me out." The words shot out of my mouth before I could catch them.

"I won't if you won't." He replied, letting my face go and stepping back a few paces. "Now I don't know about you, but I am absolutely exhausted. Do you think you could... um..." He tried to find the right words, a small flushed look adorning his cheeks.

"Stay?" I offered. He nodded silently. "You can have the first shower and I'll have one after you." I offered.

"Sounds like a plan."

I sat silently on the edge of his bed as I waited for him to come out of the shower, the steam seeping out of the doorframe and through into the bedroom. He'd been in there for a while now but I had to restrain myself from the overwhelming need to check on him and settle for calling out his name.

"I'm almost done Kate." He called back.

When he finally came out of the shower, clad only on a white towel around his waist, moisture clinging to his defined chest and stomach, highlighting all of the curves and contours. I look a deep, long breath, shook my head to try and clear it, praying that he didn't notice that I'd been staring at him. He calmly walked over to his cupboard, opening the huge doors and, after opening a draw, he pulled out a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of blue and white striped boxer shorts. I made a conscious decision to turn my back to him so that I wouldn't even be tempted to turn and look at him as he shed his towel.

"Kate?" Castle called out for me. I took it as a sign that I could turn around and walked right up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso, placing light kisses between his chest muscles, right over his heart. I smiled against his skin as I felt the reassuring flutter under my lips after only a short while ago, there was no beat to feel.

"Come on," I said, suddenly pulling away. "Let's get you into bed." Castle mindlessly complied, waiting patiently while I pulled his bed covers down for him before getting in himself. I felt a gentle smile make its way onto my face as I leant down, placing a light kiss on his lips. Pulling back, I gently touched his forehead, running my fingers through his hair before I turned to leave. I walked quietly out of his room and closed the door over behind me. I wordlessly made my way over to his couch, the events of today wearing my out more that I'd felt in a long time. As I crashed down onto the couch, I dragged my hand over my face, letting out a long sigh. Reaching over the back of the couch, I pulled down the blanket and draped it over me, getting as comfortable as I could so I could try and get some sleep.

Not long after I fell asleep, I heard a faint scream echo through the loft, scaring me into sitting bolt upright on the couch, eyes wide and alert. I immediately threw back the blanket and rushed upstairs, shoving his bedroom door open to find him tossing and turning in his bed, a thin sheen of cold sweat coating his skin as his face contorted in fear. I was swiftly at his side, my hands on his shoulders as I shook him roughly.

"Wake up, Rick! It's just a bad dream." His eyes snapped open, he went rigid as he tried to get some air back into his lungs. His eyes flicked around the dark room until they came to rest on my face and he visibly relaxed, punctuating it with a long exhale as he closed his eyes. "It's alright." I assured him as I tenderly stroked his cheek, feeling him lean into it as I did. "Go back to sleep." I went to turn and head back downstairs to my little nest on the couch but I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me back.

"Stay. Please." He whispered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. My heart broke at the sight of my strong Castle weakened and vulnerable. I nodded wordlessly and made my way around the other side of the bed, pulling back the covers so I could climb in. Once I was under them, I felt a pair of arms engulf me and pull me close, letting out a sigh of content when I was nestled in the curve of his body.

"Thank you." He whispered in my hair.

"You're welcome, Rick. Goodnight."


When I awoke the next morning, I smiled to myself as I realised he was holding me just as tightly as he did when he drifted off to sleep the night before, his legs tangled in mine, chin resting on my head as he held me close. I placed a delicate kiss on his chest, making my way up his neck, being careful to bypass the ligature marks there, his jaw until finally I kissed his sleepy lips. I felt the makings of a smile as he sleepily kissed me back, rolling towards me, kissing me with slightly more enthusiasm than the night before. I felt the reassuring weight of him press me firmly into his mattress and let out a sigh of content knowing that he was actually there. I wasn't sure how far I was willing to go with this but I figured that if it was too far too soon, I would know when I got there.

I felt his hands dance along my sides, carefully mapping a path from my hips to just under my breasts.

Suddenly my mind switched back on and I realised that today was the day after Rick's incident and that this was not a good idea since he was still recovering. But on the other hand, I couldn't refuse him and risk him relapsing.

I was thankful when I heard my phone vibrate on the bedside table next to me.

I managed to untangle myself from him enough to reach for my phone, giggling as he tried to pull me back in, kissing up and down my neck and face, with a great level of difficulty considering how tight his grip on me was and the fact that he was lying on top of me.

Once he stopped kissing me long enough, I glanced at my phone to see a reminder for work.

"Shit!" I cursed. Rick immediately jumped off me.

"What? What's wrong?" His eyes were wide with worry.

"I'm late for work. We're late!" I continued, indicating to both of us.

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