Chapter 11

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I stretched out slowly, my muscles screaming in protest from last night's events. I smiled at the memory of his weight on me, his tender kisses and incredible stamina.

I slowly rolled over and cuddled into his side, hearing the soft thudding of his heart under my ear. Letting out a contented sigh, I settled back in next to him only to feel him stir as he sucked in a big breath and stretched out. He turned his head slowly as he peeled open an eyelid.

"Morning." He greeted in a husky, half asleep voice.

"Good morning to you too." I smiled, leaning up and placing a light kiss on his lips. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

"So, last night was real, right?" He asked quietly, his cheeks blushing lightly.

God, he is so cute!

I chuckled and lifted up the sheets enough for him to look under the covers.

"Proof enough for you?"

"Oh, Kate Beckett, you are somethin' else!" He breathed out.

"Well I hope that 'somethin' else' is a good something else otherwise my little 'somethin' else' is never going to be here again." I teased lightly, leaning in to quickly steal his lips to assure him that my intensions were pure.

"I know you're teasing, Kate." He smiled against my mouth. "Stop worrying about making me upset. After last night, I don't think you..."

"I don't think you what?"

"Well I'd rather hold my tongue in case..."

In case I mess up again.

Somehow I knew this would come up and yet I hoped it never would.

"I don't blame you for what I did, Kate. I wasn't in a good place, I had a bit too much to drink and I was also trying to be poetic, and a part of me was hoping that you'd come save me."

My eyes welled up at his words. I tentatively reached up and caressed his cheek.

"Always." I whispered, nuzzling back into his neck. I sighed heavily however as I knew that this moment had to end. "I know this moment is incredible and I don't want to leave but I have to go back to my apartment to get a few things if I am going to stay here and keep an eye on you. You think you'll be ok for an hour or two?" I asked cautiously.

"Tell you what," He started. "I'll get in the shower and tidy up this mess a bit" He gestured to the dishevelled room, "and you send me a text when you're close so I can make you my famous good morning pancakes." I pulled myself away far enough to look into his eyes, searching for any indicators of a lie.

"Are you sure?" I asked. The last thing I wanted was for something to happen to him while I was gone and come back only for it to be too late to save him this time.

Castle gently cupped my face and brought my attention back to him.

"I'm sure. What's the worst that could happen?" He teased.

"Do you want me to list alphabetically or numerically?" I teased back, electing a smile from him. I pulled back the covers and detangled myself from him, getting out of the bed to retrieve my clothes. I collected my shirt, pants, shoes and underwear, but my bra was missing.

"Castle, have you seen my..." I didn't have to finish because he was pointing to the door. I followed his line of sight only to find it hanging off the door handle.

'How the hell did it get there?' I thought to myself. 'Oh yeah.' I chuckled, collecting the offending piece of clothing. I then proceeded to get myself dressed in front of Castle, no issues whatever with it after last night, revelling in the dark look in his eyes as he watched me.

"I'll be back soon." I smiled as I walked back over to him, placing a kiss on his lips. "I just need to get some clothes and such and I'll be back before you know it." I told him, unsure if it was it assure him or me. Placing one last kiss on his lips, I left the loft without another word.

The drive to my apartment was painfully quiet as my thoughts kept on traveling back to Rick alone in his big empty apartment. Pulling up to the curb, I shook off the feeling as I got out and headed up stairs.

When I finally got my key into the lock, I mentally compiled all of the things I needed to grab to stay comfortably at Castle's. Stepping over the threshold, I pulled my keys out of the lock and walked to my bedroom to collect a duffle bag to put various pairs of pants, shirts, underwear, a few pairs of flat shoes as well as an extra pair of pumps. I also figured that packing a tracksuit and hoodie wouldn't be such a bad idea. Content with my clothing choices, I headed to the bathroom to collect my necessary toiletries and made my way back to my bag to pack them. Zipping the bag closed, I slung the strap over my shoulder and made my out of my bedroom. Just as I was about to open the door to leave, something hit my head and as I dropped to the floor, I could only just make out some defining features and an evil smirk.

"I told you it wasn't over, Kate." I heard before everything went black.

Comfort Kiss (Caskett Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now