Chapter 25

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Once Alexis knew about my pregnancy, she ended up staying with Castle and I for a few weeks, helping him look after me, almost on a rotationally system. When one was on a rest break, the other would fill in, making sure I was never alone and that I never had to worry about anything. Alexis and I were currently lying on Castle's bed, resting against the headboard, watching a movie together while a laptop rested on Alexis' lap and we looked up baby stuff together. This would normally be something that I would have done with my mother, maybe even Martha, but since Alexis was going to be a big part of this baby's life, I figured it was important to include her in this. Kind of like a way of bonding. In one respect it was kind of like atonement for how I treated her father after I was shot, making it up to her for all the hurt I caused both of them.

"Oh, look how cute this is!" Alexis cooed, turning the laptop to show me the monitor. My eyelids heavy, feeling like they weighed a tonne each, I slowly turned my head to look at the brightly lit monitor, waiting for it to register in my brain what I was looking at. The tiny onesie that was staring back at me on the screen was so unbelievably small that I couldn't fathom that it would fit a baby.

"It's adorable Alexis." I smiled tiredly, my eyes burning slightly as I fought to keep them open.

"You alright, Kate? You're eyes are really red." She observed concerned, moving the laptop to the side as she turned towards me, giving me her full attention.

"I'm fine," I assured her, smiling softly as I gently tapped the top of her thigh. "Just tired."

"We can look at this stuff later. It's not like it's going anywhere." She smiled a lopsided smile so similar to her father's. "Get some rest Kate." She told me gently, pulling the blanket up to my neck, tucking it in around my sides.

Well one thing was for sure. Alexis is going to be a great big sister.

When my eyes cracked open sometime later, the first thing my eyes settled on was a large solid chest, breathing in and out slowly, rhythmically, heat radiating off him in waves as he rested peacefully next to me. Taking a deep, shaky inhale, I stretched and rolled over into him, draping my arm over his chest. Not long after I did, I felt him take a deep breath in before feeling a hand on top of mine, his thumb rubbing back and forth over the sensitive skin on the top of my hand.

"Hi baby." He whispered, turning his head towards me, his eyelids slowly opening to reveal his stunning cerulean eyes. "You have a nice rest?" He asked, pecking my lips affectionately, lingering for only a few seconds.

"I'm tired all the time." I grumbled, snuggling deepening into his chest.

"You're growing a baby." He smiled gently. "I don't expect you to run a marathon." He chuckled, kissing my forehead.

Tonight was the night we had organised a few weeks in advance to have our parents over to tell them about the baby, and I couldn't be dreading it more. I was in no mood to talk to anyone, my stomach aching from being constipated. I was already three months in, but it was beginning to feel like an eternity. Thank god the morning sickness had started to slow up or else I don't think I could have taken it. Castle, being the fantastic partner he is, has been giving me some kind of tablet that was supposed to help, as well as making me eat bran muffins, but it didn't help that the medication I was taking for my healing stomach was making me so bound up, essentially rendering everything pointless.

I watched Castle fuss around in the Kitchen as I lay out on the couch, my knees brought up to my chest to try and alleviate the pain; which helped somewhat. He was stressing about the food for tonight, wanting everything to be right, especially since he was seeing my father and having to tell him that he 'knocked me up'.

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