Chapter 24

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A.N. Sorry it took me so long to update this story. Uni has been pretty hectic lately and I haven't had the time to be honest. I've been working on an orginal story that has been taking up a lot of my time. But I finally finished this chapter. Hope you like it.

When I woke up, I was confused at first by my surroundings, but when my eyes finally adjusted, I remembered where I was.

The hospital.

I rolled over closer into Castle, his big hand splayed over my stomach, almost covering its entire surface. The memory of yesterday came flooding back.

The trial, Josh, being hit, rushing to the hospital, the tests and then hearing those results. I was so nervous to hear them that I didn't event think to ask the boys to leave. What was the point anyway. We'd already told them I was pregnant a few weeks ago.

Well, more like Castle blurted it out to them when we were in the break room.

"Ugh, my feet are killing me!" I grumbled, kicking off my heals and rubbing the arches of my feet. Chuckling, Castle took my foot into his hand and began kneading his thumbs into the taught muscles. I sighed and leant back into the couch, putting my other foot on the table, waiting for him to pay attention to it.

"I don't know how you can put yourself through the torture of wearing those." I heard Esposito say. Looking up, I saw him at the coffee machine making himself a cup while his partner leant agains the door frame, sipping at his own cup.

"The price of beauty." Ryan chuckled mockingly. I was about to say something when Castle found a particularly sensitive spot that made me swallow whatever it was I was going to say and groan loudly.

"You should think about switching to flats, Kate." Castle told me slowly, putting my foot down gently before picking up the other and rubbing into the tense flesh.

"You ok Kate? You've been a bit sick lately. Are your scars bothering you?" Espo said, raising an eyebrow as he leant against the bench, sipping his coffee.

"She's pregnant." Castle said as if it was nothing major before he suddenly froze. My eyes snapped open and I looked at him wide eyed, him looking back at me with a shocked, guilty expression.

Esposito spat out his coffee. "YOU'RE WHAT?" He looked at us with a beyond shocked expression.

"You're pregnant?" Ryan asked, stepping closer towards his partner.

"I didn't even know you two were..." Espo said, cocking his head to the side as if it would change is perspective.

"Remember when I went to Lanie to get some antihistamines? Well she ended up doing a blood test and found out I was pregnant. I'm sorry you guys had to find out like this."

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" Esposito smiled wistfully. "Uncle Espo."

"Or uncle Javi." I pointed out. I then turned to Ryan and smiled at him. "And uncle Kev." Ryan's face slowly split into an ear to ear grin.

"I like the sound of that." He mumbled. "You and Jenny can have baby playdates."

"But you guys can't tell Gates. I'm not ready." They both nodded.

"Kate?" I snapped back into reality to be greeted by a sleepy Castle, lids still heavy over his eyes as he looked down at me, his hair so adorably mused.

"Hey." I whispered, cupping his cheek and pulling him down for a good morning kiss. "You sleep ok?" He nodded, rubbing his eyes.


Comfort Kiss (Caskett Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now