Chapter 19

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Warning: This chapter now contains a sex scene.

Two weeks had passed since that first night, and each night I was plagued by night terrors, waking me up screaming, coated in a sheen of sweat, Castle having to soothe me back to sleep. With each passing day in those two weeks, Castle made a huge effort to ensure I felt safe and comfortable, the whole ordeal oddly bringing us closer.

I had healed a lot since the first night and Castle had taken me to get a checkup at the doctor's to ensure I didn't have an infection and that the healing was going well.

We now were waiting at the doctor's office, my head resting tiredly on his shoulder while we waited for him to be free. Castle had his arm wrapped affectionally around my shoulders, providing a cocoon of protection while he kept vigil while I rested.

"Katherine Beckett." The nurse called. I felt Castle shift against me, gently shacking my shoulder to coax me awake.

"Kate, you're up." He told me softly. Blinking open my heavy eyelids, I took a deep breath in and glanced around the room, momentarily disorientated. Helping me to my feet, Castle wrapped a strong arm around my waist, something we had practiced over the past week so I didn't put too much pressure on my stitched leg. We slowly walked over to the open door were the doctor was finishing some paperwork before looking up and putting a smile on his face.

"Ah, Ms Beckett. How've you been doing?" He asked, standing up and walking over to meet us at the examination table while Castle helped me sit down on the edge. "Still having night terrors?" He asked carefully, sympathy leaking into his expression.

"Yes. Basically every night. But they're not as bad now. I wake up and Castle helps me settle back down again." The doctor turned to Castle, a questioning look on his face.

"They have been better. She's been settling faster now, but I think those anxiety tablets have helped."

"It's just herbs to help calm the mind." He smiled, turning his attention back to me. "So today's the day! Time to get those stitches out. I'll just need you to remove your pants and shirt. There's a gown there for you to put on." He smiled, pulling the curtain around the small space to give me some privacy.

Once my clothes were in a pile on the Castle's lap, while he sat on a nearby chair, and I was wearing the gown set out for me, I called the doctor back. Flicking the curtain out of the way, the doctor entered with a large smile on his face.

"Now let's have a look at those stitches, shall we?" He carefully helped me lie down before first examining my arms. Carefully unwinding the bandage, peeling the gauzing from the sensitive skin, he revealed the tightly knit together skin with small black stitches sticking out. I watched carefully as he repeated the process another four times until my left arm was completely uncovered. Three of the cuts had only needed some tape to hold them together while four others had needed several stitches, one of which needed thirteen. I lay there as patiently as I could while the doctor looked them up and down.

"These seem to be healing just fine. Just keep taking the antibiotics, keep them clean, and everything should be fine." He told me, picking up various surgical equipment to take them out. Finally.

I lay there patiently while Castle seemed to watch on with a mix of interest and concern. And when my first arm was finished and all the stitches were removed, He carefully whipped them over with an alcoholic wipe before putting a fresh waterproof gauzing over them.

"You're going to need to keep these on for about another week or so to let them fully close over." He informed us before turning his attention to my right arm, the one with most stitches.

Comfort Kiss (Caskett Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now