Chapter 16

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A.N. I'm so sorry it took me so long to post another chapter. I was blocked for a while and my internet went down. I'm working on the next chapter now so I should have it done by the end of the week.

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"I know you've been through a lot, Kate." Espo started.

"But we have to ask these questions while they're fresh." Ryan finished. I nodded in understanding and, taking a deep breath to collect myself, waited for their questions to start.

"So Beckett, approximately what time did Mr Davidson take you?"

"I-It... ah..." I struggled to collect my thoughts. "It was around 10:30. I think I caught a glimpse of my clock before he hit me over the head."

"Could you please show us where he hit you?" Ryan asked awkwardly. I slowly leant forward and pulled my hair to the side to show the boys the slightly less inflamed lump on the back of my head.

"Do you mind if I take a picture?" Esposito asked, pulling out his phone. I nodded, leaning slightly further forward as he snapped the photo. I slowly lay back against the pillows, enjoying their cushiony softness.

"Where were you yesterday evening?" Esposito asked once he had put his phone back in his pocket. I gulped slightly, glancing at Castle nervously, only for him to give me a kind smile, nodding slightly, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"I was here." I told them. The boys exchanged a glance between them before returning their attention back to me.

"And were you here all night?" Ryan asked, trying to hide the smirk in the corners of his mouth.

"Yes." I sighed. "I left around nine to go get a bag of clothes to stay for a while and Josh ambushed me as I went to leave." I clarified.

"So when you were conscious again, what did he tell you?"

"When I regained consciousness, I realised I was tied up with my hands above my head. He told me that he got into my apartment by telling my building manager that he wanted to 'surprise me'." I told them, making quotation marks with my fingers. "I'd taken his key from him a few weeks back and he was pretty pissed about it. Apparently I had been out for around three hours according to Castle when he called my phone and Josh answered. I yelled out where he was keeping me and to get Espo but he smacked me across the face for doing so." I could feel Castle wince at the memory of his horrible phone call. Knowing he was taking it hard, I gently squeezed his hand and continued. "He threatened to kill me if you tried to find me and that 'there would be noting left to find'. When he hung up with Castle, he proceeded to torture me with two scalpels. He cut my clothes and into my arms and legs and stuffed a rag into my mouth and duck taped it over to stop me from screaming. He ran one of the blades down my stomach until he was at the hem of my pants and accused me of being 'turned on' by what he was doing." I told them, my words getting stuck in my throat as the memory of not too long ago haunted me. Biting back my tears that were threatening to escape, I carried on. "He then put down the scalpels and ran his hands along the hem of my pants, teasing the button and I know he had every intention of raping me." I choked on a small sob. Castle carefully moved closer to me and gently pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me as I struggled to control my emotions.

"I think that's enough." Castle told the boys, soothingly running his hands up and down her back.

"Just one more question." Esposito said gently. "Did anything else happen before we came in?" I slowly shook my head against Castle's chest.

"Thank you for coming guys." Castle told them placing a light kiss in my hair. "Thanks Lanie for getting Kate's meds and helping out."

"No problem." Lanie replied, walking over to me and laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Get some rest sweetie. You're safe now." She told me, placing a light kiss on my cheek. "I'll come by tomorrow to check on you."

"Take it easy Beckett." Espo told me, wrapping his arm around Lanie's waist as he headed out the door, sneaking a light kiss to her head when he thought we couldn't see them.

"I'm glad you're ok Beckett." Ryan said gently, laying his hand on my shoulder before he followed the not-so-discrete 'Esplanie'.

"I'm gonna make some soup for us. How does that sound?" Castle asked softly, pulling back to look down at me. I looked up at him and nodded, resting my cheek back against his chest.

"Thank you Castle." I whispered. "I love you." I punctuated with a kiss on his chest, right over his heart. "We're both wounded soldiers, aren't we?" I said as I ran my fingers lightly over his fading bruise on his neck. I felt a vibrating rumble in his chest as a light chuckle escaped.

"That we are gorgeous." He smiled down at me, placing a sweet kiss on my mouth. Smiling into the kiss, I moved my lips with him, feeling him roll onto his back and pull me on top, holding me close as he continued to kiss me with enough gentle passion. Gently kissing down my jaw, I fought to control my thudding heart, while Castle whispered to me;

"You know I love you, right?" The uncertainty in his voice pained me.

How could he not know I did?

"Of course I do." I tried to assure him. "Always."

"I was terrified I was going to loose you today." He whispered solemnly. "I don't think I will be letting you go anywhere by yourself any time soon." He half joked.

"Well I will be incapacitated for a while so I couldn't run away even if I tried." I teased back, gently cupping his cheek and pulling his mouth back to mine. Pulling away, I rested my forehead against his. "I'm getting pretty tired..."

"And I'll take that as my cue to leave." He chuckled, gently and carefully rolling me back over onto my back, propping me back up on the pillows, my eyes already starting to become heavy as I felt the pain medication begin to take its affect. "I'll be back with some food." He whispered, placing a light kiss on my forehead before my eyes finally slipped shut as he walked out the door.

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