Chapter 18

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A.N. I know this chapter is a little short but I wanted to separate him caring for her with this scene. 

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I titled this chapter: Night Terrors

I was in a long, dark, industrial corridor, with fog on either ends. I looked at from side to side, trying to figure out where I was and what I should do. I decided to walk forward and see where to took me. I walked for what felt like close to half an hour before I stopped, realising that I was getting no where. Suddenly I heard something behind me and out of the fog I could make out a figure, and as it got closer, I could make out more definite features until my eyes widened in shock. In what felt like slow motion, I turned around and took off running, only to feel like I was moving at an infuriatingly slow pace. Chancing a look over my shoulder, I saw the figure getting closer and closer while I seems to make no headway at all. I struggled to gain more speed but eventually a pair of arms wrapped around me, stopping me in my tracks before turning me around. I came face to face with Josh, only for a sudden sharp pain to enter my stomach. As I looked down, I saw a large knife hilt sticking out and a sickeningly satisfied look on his face. 

“Now no one can have you.” He smirked as everything went black. 

Sitting bolt upright in bed, I screamed like a banshee. 

I looked frantically around the room, grasping at the sheets as I tried to figure out where the hell I was. 

Where was Josh? 

My eyes wide in terror, I slapped my hands down my stomach, truing to find the blood and the stab wound. 

Where was the stab wound? 

Why wasn’t I dying?

Suddenly strong arms wrapped around me, freaking me out as I flailed around, trying desperately to get away. 

“Kate! Kate!” The arms called softly. “KATE!” They said with more force. I knew that voice but I was my mind was too frazzled to figure out why. Suddenly my face was whipped around until my eyes finally focused on a familiar face. 


I immediately let out a sigh of relief as I slumped into him, my heart still racing a mile a minute, struggling to get my breathing under control. 

“Shhh!” He soothed, running his hand though my hair as he held me tighter against him. “Shhh! Everything’s ok.” 

“B-but… J-josh…” I struggled to get the words past my quivering lips. “H-he was here. W-wh…” 

“He’s not here, Kate. He’s in jail. You’re save.” He told me, placing a lingering kiss on my forehead. 

“I-I… It was so real…” I sobbed, tears suddenly streaking down my face. 

“It’s ok now, Kate.” He soothed. “It was just a dream.” I shivered uncontrollably against him, my puddle of tears having left a large wet patch on his chest. “Shhh.” He soothed, gently turning my face up to his. He gently tapped his lips to mine, making me hold my breath in shock, before letting out a sigh and relaxing. I nudged my nose agains his, hoping he would take the hint, and coxed his lips back to mine. 

I was suddenly washed over by an intense sense of deja vu. 

This was the same situation that started all this.

It’s strange to think things have come a full circle. 

But before I could dwell on it any longer, Castle gently moved his lips with mine in a tender embrace. Suddenly I was being rolled over and found myself lying on top of Castle, his strong arms wrapping around me securely, preventing me from falling. 

“Go to sleep, Kate. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He whispered, pecking my lips before moving up and tapping his lips to my forehead. He was right, I was exhausted now, both mentally and physically drained, and merely slumped against him as I felt sleep overtake me. 

Castle waited up for at least half an hour, wanting to be sure that she was in fact asleep and that she wouldn’t have another night terror. He rubbed his hand up and down her back soothingly while she slept, wanting to comfort her, even while she was fast asleep. Sneaking a look down at her face, seeing her peaceful expression, Castle carefully rolled her over onto her back, carefully pulling the covers back over her. Rolling back over onto his back, Castle let out a tired sigh and closed his eyes. Before sleep overtook him, he carefully reached for her hand and tenderly held it in his, a silent way of letting her know that he was there for her, tethering her to him in the physical world so her subconscious wouldn’t be plagued by the terrors that it held in it’s darkness.

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