Chapter 17

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A.N. Sorry it took me so long to post a new chapter. I've been a little busy. So I kinda split this chapter into two parts because it started to get a little too long. So the next part might be a little short but it should still be good.

Send me a tweet, follow me, vote, fan. Even follow my tumblr if you want.

Enjoy ^_^

"Kate?" A soft voice called, gently rubbing a hand her shoulder. "Kate, I've got you some food. I need you to wake up." Slowly opening her heavy lidded eyes, the focus taking a while to set in before they finally settled on a man with a strong jaw, thick hair and brilliant blue eyes.


My Castle.

"Hi." I mumbled sleepily. "How long was I asleep for?"

"Almost three hours." He smiled, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed next to me.

"I was really out that long?" Castle nodded with a soft smile. "What kind of soup is it?" I asked, trying to peer over at the bowl resting on the beside table.

"I made some chicken noodle soup." He said, reaching for the bowl and resting it on his lap. "It's nice and gentle on your stomach and it will go down well. It's something I used to make for Alexis when she was sick." He said with a sad smile. I tenderly cupped his cheek, getting his attention to focus back on me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"I, ah..." He stuttered as he tried to collect his thoughts. "I got you a serviette so you don't spill anything." I watched as he carefully draped the cloth over my chest and tucked it into the shirt neck, taking the bowl in his hands and holding it up close, resting it lightly on top of my chest, perched precariously on my breasts. I watched as he carefully took a spoonful and slowly guided it to my mouth, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to keep his hand steady and not spill anything. I opened my mouth wide enough to accept the food, enjoying the sensation of the warm liquid traveling down my throat, swallowing it gratefully.

"Mmm." I hummed quietly. "It's good."

After helping me finish the bowl, my eyes hardly able to keep open, Castle helped me into the bathroom and sat me on the edge of his massive bath. I tried to cover myself but he persisted and carefully pulled his shirt over my head.

"Kate," He chuckled softly. "I've seen you naked. It's not a big deal."


"Kate, you can leave your underwear on. I'm just going to give you a sponge bath." I glared at him, daring him to try. "They'd be doing the same thing if you were in the hospital." He defended. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I relented and relaxed, watching as he filled the bottom of the bath with warm water. Putting some bath soap into the water, I watched as he soaked a hand towel, wringing it out before slowly rubbing it up and down my back. The warmth of the towel seeped into my skin and sent tingles through my whole body.

"Um..." Castle mumbled awkwardly. "You might have to take your bra off." The towel stoping at the clasps. "I promise I won't look." He said quickly, trying to reassure me. Rolling my eyes and letting out a tired sigh, I nodded and felt my bra loosen and slip forward, before he gently slid it down my shoulders until it was on the floor next to my borrowed shirt. Immersing the towel back in the water and ringing it out again, Castle continued back down my back and back up again. He carefully washed the back of my neck, over my ears and gently over my shoulders. He carefully reached around and took my wrist in his hand, gently rubbing the warm cloth over my skin, wiping away the dirt and grime.

"I'll leave you to wash your front. I'm just gonna have a quick shower but let me know if you need any help with your legs." For a moment I thought he was teasing but then I saw the serious worried look in his eyes and my face softened into a reassuring smile. Letting out a soft sigh of relief, Castle left my side and walked over to the shower, adjusting the taps to the temperature he wanted before stripping down. I found it hard to avert my eyes as I watched him drop his pants and boxers, bunching up around his feet, giving me a nice view of his firm butt. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as I realised I was staring and he was already in the shower, screen door closed. Shaking my head, I turned back around and carefully bent down and rinsed the cloth and rung it out before carefully washing my arms, being careful of the bandages, my chest and under arms. Rinsing the cloth again, I washed my face, enjoying the warmth as it spread across my skin. Suddenly I was shadowed over and as I turned around, probably a little too quickly as I winced slightly, the cloth flopping off my face and onto my lap, coming face to face with Castle's toweled waist.

"You need some help with your legs?" He smiled down at me.

"I can manage it myself." I defended, slightly irritated that I couldn't do it myself.

"I know you can." He told me gently. "But at the moment your wounds are still fresh and so are your stitches. You don't want to pull your stitches do you?"

I knew exactly what he was doing.

He was using reverse psychology on me.

And it was working.

"Fine." I sighed. Carefully taking the cloth from my lap, he rinsed it off again, rung it out and helped me swing my legs over the other side of the bathtub, carefully rubbing the cloth up and down my legs, being careful of the large bandage on my thigh, as well as not going too close to my underwear. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he got my to lift my legs and carefully cleaned the underneath of them.

"Done." He smiled, dropping the cloth into the soapy water as he held my tight while I slowly lowered my legs back down. Carefully picking me back up, averting his eyes from my chest, he carried me over to the bed and lay me down in its cushie softness. I watched as he rounded the front of the bed and rummaged through my bag, pulling out my oversized pink jersey and a pair of loose boxer shorts. I felt kinda awkward as he helped me into my clothes, his fatherly expertise coming into play as he bunched the shirt up into his hands and put my arms and head through in one go, pulling it down till it sat at my waist. He carefully slipped my pants onto my legs before he pulled the covers back up over me, walking back into the bathroom to, I assume, drain the bath and clean his teeth.

I must have drifted off at one point because when I opened my eyes again, I heard a light switch flick off and soft footfalls as they made their way to the bed, lifting the sheets and sliding in next to me, carefully taking my hand in his. A smile made its way to my face as I let my eyes slip back shut.

Comfort Kiss (Caskett Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now