Chapter 23

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"Beckett? Beckett? Kate!" I could faintly hear the boys calling getting closer. I hear the bathroom door be shoved open and soft gasps as they saw Castle on the floor and heard me in my cubicle.

"Kate?" I heard Ryan softly call as he knocked on my cubicle door. "Please open the door." Taking a shaky breath, I reached up and unlocked the door, Ryan catching me as I fell back. "I gotcha." I could feel Ryan's eyes drifting down to see the blood. "Shit." He mumbled. "Javi!!!"

"Come on, bro. Get up." I heard Espo tell Castle. "You need to be there for your lady. Get it together." He told him, tapping him on the face to get him to snap out of it. The glazed over look faded away from his eyes, and, wiping his eyes on his sleeve, he got up with the help of Espo and walked over to me, scooping me up and carrying me out, following the boys to the car silently.

"We've got to get her to the hospital now!" Ryan yelled at his partner as we all climbed into the car, Castle holding my tightly into his chest, my legs draped over his. Espo flicked on the siren and sped out of the car park and onto the road, cars parting like the red sea as he broke several traffic laws to get us to the hospital.

We screeched into the hospital emergency drive-in in record time. Ryan ran in ahead of us to alert the doctors of our situation while Espo opened the car door for Castle and helped him carry me out. Castle, still shaken up, carried me to the waiting doctors and begrudgingly lay me on the gurney, taking a firm grasp of my hand as followed the doctors into one of the emergency treatment rooms. Once I was safely in my own room, the nurses began taking off my pants and jacket while the doctor asked me questions like, "What happened?" "How's your pain on a scale from one to ten?" "Did someone hit you?"

I looked around the room, my mouth gaping open and closed as I struggled to form an answer to even one of the questions. While I struggled to answer, the nurses has already placed my soiled pants in a medical waste bag, along with my underwear, handing Castle my button up shirt and jacket while they dressed me in an itchy hospital gown.

"Kate?" Castle said gently, lightly touching my hand, making me jump, coming back to reality. "I've told the doctor what happened." He said, struggling to get the words to leave his mouth. "They need to take you for some tests." He gulped. "To make sure you didn't..." I nodded, knowing he couldn't say it.

Neither could I. I didn't want it to be true.

It was wheeled back into the room where Castle and the boys were waiting anxiously for me, all three of them standing up when I entered the room, Castle immediately flocking to my side, taking my hand in his.

"We ran a series of standard tests for this kind of... Situation. We should have the results within the next half hour. Just sit tight and try to relax." The doctor said gently, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving me an encouraging smile. "Buzz the nurse if you need anything." He said before he left, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"Everything will turn out fine, Kate. You'll see." Esposito told me firmly.

"Thank Javi." I smiled weakly, Castle squeezing my hand comfortingly.

"Kate, can you shift over?" Castle asked me gently, putting the bed rail down. I looked at him, confused, before I understood. Castle rounded the other side of the bed and helped me shift over till I was against the bed rail on the other side. Then, rounding back around, he carefully climbed in next to me and pulled me in against him, interlacing out hands, resting them over my bruised stomach.

"You're gonna be fine, little one." He whispered, placing a lingering kiss on my cheek.

I could hear the boys' legs bouncing, their feet anxiously tapping against the floor as they waited for the results to come in. I heard the door creak open and footsteps approaching before I rolled over to face the doctor. He was holding a folder full of papers he was reading over, his brow furrowed in his concentration.

"Well Ms Beckett..." I heard the boy's chairs groan as they moved to the edges of their seats, both waiting anxiously for the results. Castle held onto me tighter, his whole body frozen in fear as to what the next part of the doctor's sentence would be. "Everything seems to be fine." There was a consecutive sigh of relief from all of us as I slumped into Castle. "Your baby is fine. You did loose a bit of blood but it shouldn't hinder anything too much. Just make sure you take your prenatal vitamins, don't eat any of the bad foods, and I'd probably try to stay out of trouble for the time being. Oh, and you should probably abstain from sex for at least three weeks. Just to give everything time to settle down." He finished, making me blush as the boys chuckled to themselves, making Castle shift somewhat uncomfortably.

"Yeah, keep it in your pants Castle." Esposito laughed, making me blush even more, hiding into his chest.

"We'll keep you in overnight for observation and then we'll decide whether you can go home tomorrow." The doctor told me. "Right now, Ms Beckett needs to get some rest, so I will have to ask you to leave." He told the boys. They stood up together and walked over to the other side of my bed.

"Get some rest, Beckett. We'll come see you tomorrow." Ryan smiled gently, placing a tender hand on my shoulder before he walked out the door.

"Take it easy, Kate." A soft smile in the corner of his mouth. "You look after her, Castle." His tone switching in an instant to a stern warning as he walked out to join his partner, leaving a slightly scared Castle lying next to me.

"I told you everything was going to be ok." He smiled gently, pulling me in to him, wrapping his arms firmly around me, making me feel incredibly safe. "Get some rest. I'm not going anywhere." He told me, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before I slowly drifted off.

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