Chapter 12

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Castle knew there was something wrong the minute Kate didn't make contact with him after she left over three hours ago now. Pacing nervously back and forth in his living room, he contemplated on calling her to check on her.

"I'll just call her. What's the harm in that?" He chuckled nervously, pulling out his phone and with a shaky hand, dialled her number. Castle slowly brought the phone to his ear, listening with bated breath as the phone rung and rung and rung. Just as he was about to hang up he heard the line pick up.

"Oh, thank god! Kate, where are you? It's been almost three hours." Castle asked and was confused when all he heard on the other line was heavy breathing. But that sound wasn't Kate's soft, familiar breath. It was heavy, and distinctly male. "Kate?" He asked nervously.

"I warned you it wasn't over, Mr Castle."

"What have you done with her?" He growled. In the background Castle could make out Kate's familiar voice yelling something that sounded like "backup... Espo... Warehouse... Pier."

"Shut up you." The caller yelled at her and the sickening sound of a slap echoed in the space, making it sound ten times louder over the phone. "I suggest you forget about her. Because if you even think about coming to save her... There'll be nothing left to save." And with that the line went dead.

"No! Kate!!!" Castle screamed into the phone. "Fuck!" He mumbled, racking a hand through his hair. He numbly rang the precinct and asked to be put through to Esposito.

"Detective Esposito." He answered without a second thought. But when there was no response on the line save shaky breath, Esposito looked over at his partner with a raised eyebrow. "Hello?" He tried again.

"Javi... I... I-I..." Castle tried before he slumped down onto the floor and sobs started to choke his breath.

"Castle?" He asked, completely confused. Kate was there with him last they heard so why was the friendly writer crying? "Castle take a deep breath and tell my what's wrong." Esposito told him calmly.

"He took her." Castle finally got out. "Josh. He kidnaped her and he's going to hurt her. Kate said something about a warehouse and a pier. I couldn't make out most of it but she also said backup. I think he's gonna kill her."

"Shit. Alright, Ryan, get a trace on Beckett's phone and try to get a location on it." Ryan nodded wordlessly, turning to his computer, furiously tapping away at the keys. "I'll call tactical for back up. If this guy's as messed up as he was the other day, we're gonna need all the help we can get." Esposito told Castle. "It's gonna be alright, Castle." He tried to assure the fragile writer. "We're gonna get him." Suddenly a thought occurred to Espo.

Who was gonna look after Castle?

"Castle, do you want me to send someone over there to look... to stay with you?"

"I-I..." He tried to get out.

"Once this is sorted, we'll come by and get you. We'll get Kate back, I promise."

"Thank you Javi." Castle sighed, hanging up the phone.

Esposito and Ryan walked right into Gates' office to inform her of the current situation.

"Sir, we've just received information that Beckett has been kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend." Said Esposito, both him and Ryan standing with their hands behind their backs in attention.

"You mean the man who was in here causing a commotion in my precinct?" Gates looked up from her paperwork.

"Yes, sir. We have started a trace on her phone and are in the process of gathering a Tactical team."

"What makes you think a tactical team is necessary?" Gates questioned, taking off her glasses.

"We have reason to believe that he plans to kill her." Ryan informed her. "Once we have the location we will move out once we pick up Castle."

Gates gave the boys a look before she sighed, picking up her glasses and returning to her paperwork. "Just make sure he doesn't get in the way."

"Yes, sir." Ryan and Esposito said in almost complete synchronisation.

Castle almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the knock on his front door. Rubbing his eyes somewhat dryer, he took a calming breath before trying to put on a fake smile for whoever was at the door. He let out a sigh of relief as it revealed the two detectives, no longer needing to put up the façade of happiness when worry was festering deep in his heart and churning in his stomach.

"Come on, Bro. Let's go get your girl."

Once outside, Esposito motioned for the heavily padded up men who proceeded to form a circle around the hood of the boy's car.

"Alright everyone. This is how it's gonna go down. We go in there silent. We don't want to pull up too close or this guy will spook so we need to park a block or two away. We come around from the side and do sweeps. You have permission to fire if it does not injure the hostage. She's one of us boys, so let's make this bastard pay." The outfitted men all nodded and adjusted their weapons and checked their various pockets that they had everything.

"Alright then, let's move out!" Espo called, getting into the drivers side of the car, Ryan getting into the passenger and Castle climbing into the back seat.

After running a few red lights and breaking a few speed laws, all three boys pulled up to the curb and, popping the boot, began to suit up. Once Esposito and Ryan had their Kevlar vests strapped on, Espo reached in the boot and pulled out another vest, offering it to Castle.

"You're gonna need this bro." Espo then proceeded to reach in and retrieve something else far smaller form the boot. "And this." He said, handing Castle the gun. "Just in case." A small smirk appeared when he added, "Can't be saving your ass all the time." But then it dawned on him the implications of his comment. Javi opened his mouth to apologise but Castle beat him to it.

"I know what you meant Javi. It's ok. Let's just get Kate back."

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