Will pov
I left Hannibal's office lets just say I never felt more turn on by him or any other man before. I smile at that thought. I went to see Abigail and Winston if they are okay. "Hey Abigail what are you and Winston playing." "I'm trying to teach him tricks but he wouldn't do them can you please help." She said almost in tears. "Okay but they only reason Winston won't listen is because he knows that your not his master, I am. But I can show you the tricks he does know." This makes Abigail smile. I told Winston to roll over, sit, jump, speak, shake, and play dead. And as a good boy Winston did all those things. This makes Abigail laugh and smile. A couple hours later Hannibal came in to see how are things. "What's going on in there." Hannibal said with a smile. "Mommy is showing me the tricks that Winston knows and there amazing daddy." She said with sparkling in her eyes. "I but they are but right not now its nap time okay give me a kiss and your mommy a kiss okay." "Okay love daddy and I love you mommy." Me and both kiss her and we said I love you to her.  Hannibal closed Abigail door leaving Winston in his care.
As we went down stairs to the living room. "Take a seat Will we need to talk." "Okay what is it now." "It's about your stay and what your going to do." "Ok Hannibal lay it all on me I'm not afraid of your tasks." "Okay Will you will be Abigail's teacher and our maid." What a fucking maid what the actual fuck. I mean a teacher is not so bad. But a fucking maid. "What the fuck Hannibal." "Watch your language Will. Plus if you don't be a maid then you'll be on the street I'm I understood Will." I looked at his eye and they scare me in a good way. "Yes Hannibal I understand." "Good lets go over the rules." "Okay I guess lay it on me."
"1. You have to wear a maids uniform everyday except when I say so and when we have guests over.
2. If you swear or misbehave I'll punish you how're I please,
3. When people and Abigail are around you call me Hannibal. When it's just me and you, you have to call me master.
Do I make my self clear Will." I finally breathe. "Yes master I understand." I hissed at him. "Good now your punishment." I was in shock. "What didn't do anything wrong." "Oh Will you did you said fuck and that's the rules no swearing." Oh great just my luck fuck my savior is a hot kinky asshole I liked it. "I sorry master I'll Take my punishment." I said all cute and innocent and I bated my eyelashes and I bit my lip and stare into his eyes filled with lust. He reach over me grasp my wrist and slammed my belly against his knees. I squirm on top on him. "Your misbehaving Will I'll give you 10 slaps for being naughty okay." I nodded. He lifted my dress and pulled my panties down. The cold breeze hitting my ass felt great. "Master what if Abigail comes down." I said worry that Hannibal will scare Abigail by hurting me. "Don't worry Abigail knows the rules in this house and when it nap time she can't go outside her room. That why she has a bathroom in her room just in case this happens." He has a full on smile and I'm scared now. "Let's begin so you can start being a maid and help teach Abigail okay Will." I couldn't speak nodded. He roughly yanks my hair back. "When asked you a question you answer Will." "I understand master sorry master yes I'm ready to begin." I said almost in tears. He rubs my ass then smack. Hits my ass. I gasp. Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack. When he hit my ass for the last time he reach in the doors next to the couches and pulls our smoothing cream for my ass. "Did you learn your lesson." "Yes master I did. Thank you master." Then at that moment he kiss me on the lips it fillet amazing. He pushes he's tongue into my mouth it fillet amazing we stop to breathe we looked into each other's eyes. "As well as we both in joy that, you should get Abigail for lunch." Then kiss me and walked away. I touched my lips and smiles as I got off the couch. Pulled up my panties on and pulled down my dress and went to get Abigail.
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