Hannibal pov
After she left. I went to the kitchen to make all of us sandwiches. When I'm done Abigail came in the dining room and following behind her was the beautiful Will. She is still red in the face by me spanking her. She looks so fucking hot right now gives me in idea. As we sit at the table and begin to eat. I put my hand on top of her dress where her thighs are. "I'm all down eating can me and Winston go play outside in the back yard please." She pleaded. I give her a nod and off she went. "Lets go to my room where it's more private." She nods and gets up to go to my room. When we get there I push her on the bed and kissed her hard. I push my hips into her and she gasped at feeling my hard on and feeling the size of it. "My Will I won't take you now, I will wait until you tell me if your ready. When you are ill make you beg for me. Okay Will." I panted into her right ear and kissing her pale neck. "Yes master I'll beg when I'm ready for you to take me master." She is panting hard and I can tell and judging by how she react to my touches she's still a virgin. So I'm going to be her first gets me even more turn on. I give her a last kiss and get off of her. "It is time for your duties now Will go now." She nodded and with that she left. I'm going to give her a month until she begs for me. I want to give her hell with my kisses and heavy touching. I need to get to know her both physically and emotionally and sexually in ways I can give her the ultimate pleasure she will ever get. Smiling to my self I left my room after I fix my self tomorrow is back to work this will suck.

Hannibal and fem!will book 1Where stories live. Discover now