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For Avelyn, love just a word which is not meaningful. Love is reserved only for people who have a very large fortune. Unfortunately, Avelyn is not one of the people who are lucky in love.

There are all kinds of love. Love of family, love of friends and love for the opposite sex.

Everybody fooled with one word. Love. But it was one word which is able to create a network of the brain is not functioning properly, making the livers takes over the existence of logic and make hearts trapped in the void inside.

For Avelyn, love making something that should run as usual start to disappear slowly. Because love is blind and intoxicating.

Avelyn hate with that one word, so she escaped from that feeling. And she had two conditions for man who approached her, and who want to touch her.

1. Don't bind her.

2. Fill the rest of her desire as a whole, both in the material or physical.

And this is the most important part of two point above...

Never say love to her.

Soprano Love [COMPLETED] SUDAH TERBIT.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang