Wake Up 💤🚨

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"Bruce Wayne. Son of the late businessman of Wayne Enterprises, Thomas Wayne, and his late wife, Martha Wayne."

Bruce suddenly sprung back into reality, daydreaming for the past half hour.

"Oh, Bruce! I didn't notice you weren't paying attention. Bruce, I'm Detective James Gordon, or Jim for short, how are you?" asked a young man with oval-shaped glasses, a sharp nose, and a clean-shaven face.

Bruce wasn't sure what to say, he was worried he would say the wrong thing at the dire moment. "H-Hi," he uttered to the smiling gentleman.

"You're going to be okay, alright? Okay. The police traced back to your family ownership, and found your family's top butler, Alfred. Bruce, do you know Alfred?" asked Gordon.

Bruce nodded in response. "Well, Alfred will take care of you at your family's house, the Wayne Manor," said Gordon. "I know that place. I'm already living there," replied Bruce immediately.

"Oh. Well, just wanted to give you a heads up," said Gordon, tipping his hat. Gordon escorted young Bruce outside, where several news reporters of Gotham tried their best to interview the young child in the wake of the Wayne tragedy.

"Mr. Wayne, how do you feel?" "Mr. Wayne, tell us about what really happened," "Mr. Wayne? Please tell us if you are safe!".

Bruce sat in a car, with Gordon at the driver's helm. They drove away from the busy streets of Gotham City, settling in at Wayne Manor. It was a tall, large mansion maintained by the Wayne's butler, Alfred.

Bruce waved goodbye to Gordon, as Alfred greeted the young boy with a dinner. "Come inside, sir" Alfred asked politely. Bruce felt respected, and felt more comfortable with his butler.

The two entered the manor's kitchen, which was streamlined with smooth and sleek painted walls, and a beautiful and organized dinner table, laid out with delicious and mouth-watering appetizers and dessert. Bruce smiled warmly, and sat down at the table, across from Alfred.

"Go enjoy yourself, master Wayne. I'll be busy making your best suit for your parents' funeral," said Alfred, walking away. Bruce ate half of the appetizers laying out for him on the table. He burped, wished Alfred a good night, and went off to his bedroom.

Bruce tried his best to sleep, but was haunted by the tragedy of his parents that occurred not too long ago. He tossed and turned in his cozy and snug bed, wishing to fall asleep completely. The thoughts of anxiety hurt Bruce's immune system, which kept him awake the rest of the night.

In the middle of the light, Alfred carried a bright lantern through the hallway, and momentarily stopped. He peered through Bruce's bedroom, finding the young boy sobbing in his sleep.

"Master Wayne! It's okay, I'm here," said Alfred, rushing to his master's aide. Alfred comforted Bruce, as he wept of tears. Alfred stayed with Bruce until he was fast asleep finally at the struck of dawn.

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