Doctor Jonathan Crane 👓👔

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"How would you describe how you're currently feeling?".

"I feel...pure hatred."

"Good, good. Anything else to add, Mr. Falcone?".


Doctor Jonathan Crane, a psychologist lawyer finished up his interrogation case with Carmine Falcone at the place known as Blackgate Prison.

"Good. My job here is done," he sneered at Falcone and left the room. Falcone was in a straitjacket, still horrified by the presence of the Batman.

"He's out there!!! And he is coming for us!!! Damn us all to hell, away from the Batman!!!" screamed Falcone. He grew insane.

Jonathan packed up his suitcase, and walked outside of Blackgate Prison. He walked across the street to the Gotham Police headquarters. Commissioner Gordon had sent him there to study Falcone.

"The crazy one says he's horrified by some bat-vigilante roaming the nightly streets of Gotham," said Jonathan. "Oh?" asked Gordon.

"And he says that he was just trying to settle a feud between him and Roman Sionis," concluded Jonathan. "Black Mask and Falcone always seemed like the perfect type together," replied Gordon. He scratched his mustache, thinking.

"Go home, Dr. Crane. You need rest," Gordon ordered the scrawny man. "Sir. You may need rest too. There's too much fear for you to battle here," said Dr. Crane. He walked off.

Meanwhile at Wayne Enterprises, Bruce and Lucius talked in a business meeting about Carmine Falcone's arrest and Black Mask out there.

"He is out there. We will find him. The Vertigo drug is a powerful item, and we must annihilate it before it goes into the wrong hands," said Bruce. "It already has landed in the wrong hands," argued a businessman. The crowd grew anxious, as Bruce didn't know what else to say.

"Meeting dismissed," said Lucius. He had to back up Bruce. The two spoke in Bruce's office.

"People of Gotham claim they've seen a bat-man on the loose last night. Hunting bad guys," said Lucius. Bruce tried his best to not give away his identity. "I heard of those rumors too. They could be true," replied Bruce. Lucius nodded.

Later that night, Jonathan stepped into his apartment. He looked at a family photo. It reminded him of his past. He took a shower, and suddenly had visions. Fear.

"Vertigo...vertigo..." said Jonathan to himself. He imagined actual fear being spread out into the public, with the drug being the best option. He was slowly losing it, but needed to keep it together.

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