The Dying Smoke 💨

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It was the very next morning. Vicki Vale slept in Bruce Wayne's cozy and soft bed. "This was nice," said Vicki. She was hinting back to last night's events. Bruce nodded, and got up.

He ordered Alfred to make them breakfast. As they ate at the table, Bruce realized he needed to make it to a meeting at Wayne Enterprises. He was checking his wrist watch.

Time just wasn't fair, it didn't allow him to enjoy these little moments with the girl he loves. "I have to get going soon," he said quickly to Vicki. They were eating cereal.

Bruce got dressed soon after, and put his documents in a briefcase to carry. Some files contained Carmine Falcone's criminal background and Blackgate Prison updates.

"Good luck sir," said Alfred. He helpfully drove Bruce into the city of Gotham. Vicki Vale knew Bruce had other busy plans, and shrugged the potential problem off her shoulders.

Bruce arrived at Wayne Enterprises in a quick flash. Lucius Fox was ready for his boss. "Mr. Wayne, we should worry more about Doctor Crane," said Lucius. "After," Bruce replied.

They headed inside the building, up the elevator, and into the gigantic boarding meeting. Many businessmen and associates of Wayne Enterprises sat at the table.

They all stopped silently as the Bruce Wayne arrived on time. "Welcome," Bruce said to them all. He and Lucius both sat down at their reserved chairs.

Bruce accidentally slammed the briefcase down harder than he expected. It even shook some employees downstairs from the sound of it.

"I'm going to begin by saying that I have files on Falcone's criminal background," Bruce began to say.

Before Bruce could open up his briefcase, the employees piped in. "Falcone is dead," they said.

Lucius and Bruce's eyes widened. "How?" asked Bruce. He felt his heart drop. "Falcone was murdered in Blackgate Prison last night. Black Mask is the suspect who killed him," said one of the employees.

Bruce sighed as well as Lucius. They cancelled the meeting short, realizing their meeting would have turned out to be utterly pointless. They were going to talk about Falcone. "Now what?" asked Lucius.

"I need an upgrade for my Batsuit soon. Black Mask is going to pay for this," vowed Bruce. He swore vengeance. Lucius nodded in agreement.

Later that night, Bruce hosted a ballroom party in Wayne Manor once again. Vicki Vale and many other followers of Wayne were invited. Alfred got ready, tidying up his white gloves.

"Welcome!" Bruce said. The party had started. Vicki and Bruce met up immediately, kissing. "I was the one who reported Falcone's death, if you can believe that," said Vicki. "Did you really? Wow nice job," replied Bruce.

She smiled and giggled. Bruce made sure the security guards would guard Wayne Manor from any attacks. "I wonder where Jonathan Crane is," wondered Jim Gordon to Bruce. Bruce shrugged his shoulders.

Suddenly, a gigantic green smoke was set off in the middle of the ballroom party. The guests all gasped, suddenly falling to the ground, coughing. It was the Vertigo drug unleashed!!

"Everyone get into a closed room!" shouted Bruce. Some guests, including Vicki and Gordon, managed to escape. Bruce handed Gordon a gas mask, and another gas mask to Alfred for safety.

Bruce ran downstairs to the Batcave. He found Lucius already there, setting up Bruce's Batsuit with more padding and a bulletproof vest. "Already taken care of, Mr. Wayne," Lucius said. Bruce got into his suit, becoming the Batman once more.

"Ready," said Batman.

Back upstairs, Black Mask appeared first from the Vertigo smoke. He wore a gas mask for protection. A dozen infected guests succumbed to the Vertigo drug, rotting to a corpse.

Black Mask then called out for the Batman. "Where is Batman? Where is he to save Bruce Wayne's precious manor?" he hollered out. The lights turned off, the smoke cleared, and Batman appeared in the shadows.

"Oh!" Black Mask said. He growled and pulled out a pistol. "Don't," said Batman simply. He threw a Batarang at Black Mask's hand, disabling his pistol.

"Don't do that either," said another voice. Batman turned around and got a dash of fear gas in his face. It was Scarecrow!!

Scarecrow appeared as Black Mask laughed manically. "Breathe it in...that's fear. You're not brave," said Scarecrow to a wheezing and coughing Batman.

Batman started to hallucinate and closes his eyes. Right before he fell into unconsciousness, he heard Scarecrow's last words uttered to him: "Men are brave."


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