Young Bruce 👦🏻

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"That we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us."

Bruce and Alfred were the first to arrive at the Wayne's funeral. Bruce wore his best suit, a black tuxedo with a red tie, and a glamorous white rose attached to him. He held a rabbit's foot, given to him by his mother for good luck.

Soon after, the citizens of Gotham all attended the funeral. Gordon and his team removed their hats off for reverence. After the funeral, there was a burial service outside. A priest started a eulogy and recited some prayers, in an effort to comfort Bruce and Alfred.

"The Wayne's life was a blessing, their memories were a treasure. They were loved beyond words and missed beyond measure," said the priest.

Alfred himself had a few words to say, trying his best to hold back his tears. He stood on a pedestal, and began his speech about Thomas and Martha Wayne.

"Mr and Mrs. Wayne were a pleasure to be serving under, they always brightened up my day. Mr. Thomas Wayne was the most extraordinary gentleman I have gotten into contact with. Martha Wayne was the most beautiful lady to lay eyes on. Both of them will be truly, forever missed."

After finishing his speech, the citizens turned their heads sharply to Bruce, who sat alone with his head down, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He then noticed everyone looking at him, waiting for his speech. Bruce felt embarrassed, and said "What do you want me to say that hasn't been said before? My parents are dead. I'm broken, I have nothing else to say, I just want them back".

Gordon broke the awkward silence immediately, offering to give his speech. "Let me do it instead," he said to the citizens. Gordon walked up to the pedestal.

Hours later, the service had ended. Alfred escorted Bruce into a limousine and then drove away. Bruce was unknowingly followed by another vehicle, the Vale family.

Upon entering Wayne Manor, Alfred noticed the Vale family park their vehicle nearby the gated entrance. Mrs. Vale met Alfred, and spoke to him.

"My daughter, Vicki wants to hangout with Bruce for a while, is that fine? She feels bad for him, and wants to see him, is that okay with you and Bruce?" asked Mrs. Vale.

"I am sure he would not mind. Yes, Mrs. Vale, your daughter may see him for a while," replied Alfred. "Good. Thank you, Alfred," said Mrs. Vale. She and her husband got into the car, and drove off.

A teenage girl, with flowing red hair, a slim body and a black dress, appeared. Alfred had her follow him to the front of Wayne Manor.

Meanwhile inside, Bruce sat by the fireplace, wanting to do something brave and courageous for his redemption. He spoke to himself, wanting to track down the murderer who killed his innocent parents. He wondered why it was them the murderer killed, and not someone else. Bruce realized he was the sole survivor of this whole tragedy, and left to suffer.

Vicki and Alfred entered inside, walking over to Bruce. Vicki introduced herself to Bruce, shaking his cold hand. "Vicki Vale. We go to school together, remember?" she asked him.

"Why are you here?" Bruce asked. Alfred walked away.

"I just thought, you wanted some, umm, some company. I'm truly sorry for your losses, Bruce. Just needed to check on you, and see how you're feeling. Thought you might needed a friend," Vicki explained to Bruce.

Bruce knew this was the perfect opportunity to gain a new friend, in the midst of the heartfelt tragedy. Without hesitation, Bruce replied, "Yeah. I need a friend".

Vicki then hugged Bruce, to comfort him. The two walked outside to go play some outdoor games. It was satisfying for Bruce, to get his mind off the depressing thoughts.

Alfred watched from the window.

As Vicki and Bruce played tag, Vicki was now "it". She chased Bruce, as the two giggled. Her dress was quite elegant, the wind pushed the dress up in the air as she ran. Bruce was running away from her, until he suddenly fell...

Down, down, down he fell....into the darkness.

Bruce landed with a hard THUD on the rock-hard floor. He had fallen into a manhole. Bruce's clothes were stained with dirt, and his head was aching.

Vicki ran to call for help. Bruce suddenly heard quiet noises coming closer to his area. He turned his head around, and saw a dark opening to some tunnel. Suddenly, a flock of bats flew out towards him, attacking.

Bruce screamed, and put his hands over his face, rolling up into a ball as the bats flew up to the top of the manhole to escape, while some attacked Bruce. Bruce had never felt this scared in his life.

For what felt like hours, Bruce was exhausted, waiting for the rescue. Gordon arrived to rescue him, using a harness to pull himself down into the manhole.

"Bruce...sometimes we must fall, before we rise back up," explained Gordon, as he helped pull Bruce back up to the surface. A teary-eyed Alfred hugged Bruce, asking if he was okay. Vicki and her parents were also there, relieved.

Bruce laid in his bed, with the blankets covering him. He thought about the mysterious manhole, and was curious as to what was really was down there, besides bats. Vicki and her parents soon left Wayne Manor.

That night, Alfred served Bruce a cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace. Bruce decided it was best to explain to Alfred how he felt.

"I need to be brave, Alfred. Those who become the bravest, become the strongest," he explained. Alfred listened, and replied, "Learn what you are capable of, master Wayne. Remember that bravery is not the lack of fear, it is the ability to move forward in spite of fear."

"I need to try my best to be on top. Say, Alfred, will the police find whoever murdered my parents?" Bruce asked.

"I hope so. It may take them days, weeks, months. I cannot fathom how vengeful and cruel the murderer is, to do such a thing. The whole city must be on him," said Alfred.

"I'm going to go to bed. Night, Alfred," said Bruce. "Night, master Wayne".

Bruce headed upstairs, and shut the bedroom door.

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