Ballroom Party 💃🏻

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Bruce finished up organizing the decorations with Alfred's help. They were ready to start Wayne Manor's ballroom party tonight.

A few hours passed, and a large crowd of party guests entered inside. Bruce showed off his snarky side, acting flirtatious to women and offering them drinks.

"Mr. Wayne?" asked a voice from behind. Bruce turned to see a grown-up Vicki Vale.

"Remember me? Vicki Vale? I'm now a news reporter for Gotham City News. How are you, mister Wayne?" Vicki asked, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure. Been doing fine. How are you, Miss Vale on this fine evening?" asked Bruce. His face started to turn bright red.

She was beautiful, from head to toe. Her red lipstick, her perfectly combed blonde hair, her wonderful dress. She even carried around a microphone to use as a prop.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking. So, you set this up yourself?" she asked. "I had help from my butler, if you remember him also. Alfred Pennyworth," Bruce replied.

"Ah yes. The old guy. He helped you a lot when you were younger," said Vicki. Bruce chuckled a bit, and smirked.

Vicki began to ask him questions, as if she was interviewing him with her new reporting job. "Where have you been all these years, what are you doing?" she asked him.

Bruce began to quickly think of the hiatus of his appearance he had on Gotham City for years. The hardcore training, the fights, the struggle.

With a quick smirk, he replied, "Been helping charity. Heh". She noticed his lies, and narrowed her eyebrows.

"I've been working at my late father's corporation, Wayne Enterprises. We are hitting it big in Gotham, in case you haven't noticed," he said.

Vicki believed him. "I never even knew you worked there for that long!" she exclaimed. Bruce smiled and offered her a drink.

"Oh no thank you, really. I don't drink," she said. Bruce was fine with that. He couldn't stop staring into her face. She was flawless.

"Is there something wrong?" Vicki asked. "No, not at all," Bruce replied. She was clearly flattered.

"Let's walk downstairs," Bruce quickly said. He took her softly by the hand, and escorted her down the steps of Wayne Manor.

They started to hold each other, Bruce's hand around her waist and her hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Wayne, are you sure you're comfortable with this? Your face is looking red as a tomato," Vicki said.

"It's just all my years of my life, I've never actually danced with a woman," Bruce said. She was again flattered by his response.

"Bruce, can I call you by your first name?" she asked. He nodded, as they started to dance. "Bruce, we should talk more, get to know each other more. How's next week for you?" she asked him.

"Next week is good with me. I'll ask my buddy, Mr. Fox to take shift for Wayne Enterprises. I can fit in a dinner date with you if you'd like," Bruce asked her.

She giggled. They danced more intensely. Their faces inched closer, until their noses touched one another. Bruce wanted to kiss, but Vicki pulled away a bit, teasing him.

Alfred walked around with a tray of drinks and served the guests. "Master Wayne, would you like a martini?" he asked Bruce.

"Sure. And the woman says she doesn't drink, so just me," Bruce said to Vicki.

As Alfred walked away, he accidentally bumped into an older gentleman. This man's name was Carmine Falcone.

"Mr. Bruce Wayne," said Falcone to Bruce. He fully interrupted the little dance.

"Carmine Falcone," he said. Bruce saw him reach his hand out to introduce himself. Bruce shook his hand quickly, feeling the strength and size in Falcone's appearance.

"Can we have a moment, Bruce? Miss Vale, please give us a moment," Falcone said. Vicki nodded and walked away.

"What do you want, Falcone?" asked Bruce. He noticed that Falcone wasn't alone, he had two guards alongside him.

Falcone escorted Bruce to a room, away from the ongoing party. "We have to talk about something," said Falcone.

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