Let It In 👒

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Meanwhile on the other side of Gotham City, Doctor Jonathan Crane had had enough of hearing the Vertigo drug rumors.

He believed it all to be a mishap, false propaganda. "No," he said to himself countless times. But suddenly...one day he started to believe for once. Could Vertigo be real?

Jonathan wondered for a while in his dusky old apartment. He paced back and forth, struggling to comprehend the reality that was being grasped in front of him.

"It is real!" he concluded that night. He wrote furiously in his notes, jotting down facts about the Vertigo drug and what it can do to society. He started to believe that it could save Gotham City.

"Bringing fear into this society is what this city needs," he said to himself. He started to whack himself in the face, struggling with another persona of a good Jonathan Crane; the shy, sly psychologist.

Jonathan then walked outside in the rain. His boots splashed in the mud. It was a maddening thunderstorm in the city of Gotham.

The lightning struck twice, as Jonathan tripped on his own feet and rolled down a grassy hill, away from the populated city.

"Oof!" Jonathan landed into the mud with a loud thud. He got up.

Suddenly, a bright light shined in the darkness. Jonathan was perplexed and curious. Stepping forward, he fell down yet another muddy hill.

He was further into the dark abyss. He tried to get up again, but now his ankle was deeply sprained.

"S...shit!" he whimpered to himself, like a dog. Before he could lick his wounds, a fist knocked him out.

Jonathan found himself dragged into a bright room, right next to a heavy container of the Vertigo drug.

Jonathan wanted to try the drug, it gave him an addiction. He tried to reach out to grab Vertigo, but a masked robber stopped him.

Jonathan was dazed, not knowing that the masked robber was a part of Black Masks' drug group. "Wanna try it? You look thirsty for help," asked the masked robber.

Jonathan couldn't speak at first, taken aback from the sinister voice and foul stench of the Vertigo drug. But he wanted to give it a try.

"Give it to him," said the masked robber, looking into the darkness. Another masked robber emerged, holding a rifle. He then opened up the container of the Vertigo drug.

It's smell and look attracted Jonathan. It was a bright green, with the dirtiest smell of all smells. Jonathan was insane at this point, he had lost it.

Suddenly, a voice told Jonathan to free himself and escape! Doing what the voice told him to do, Jonathan surprisingly ripped himself out of the ropes and punched the first masked robber he saw.

It was a change in his brain. The other masked robber aimed his rifle and shot at Jonathan. Jonathan grabbed the first object he could defend himself with: the container of the Vertigo drug.

"No, don't!" cried the punched masked robber, who was struggling to get back up. Jonathan used the container to block the bullets. But it caused an explosion of the Vertigo drug.

The green explosion sizzled onto Jonathan's face, and obliterated the other two masked robbers. Jonathan rolled onto the floor, screaming. His eyes were the only "human" thing left on him.

He was disfigured from head to toe, the Vertigo drug got into his mouth and pumped up his veins to a dark green. Coughing up green smoke, Jonathan could see without his glasses.

His voice was different as well. "Now what?" he asked himself. The container was smashed to bits, no remnants of the Vertigo drug left. He got what he wanted. It was all in him now.

Jonathan needed to find a way to hide his face, as his clothes luckily hid his horrifying body. Walking into a cornfield, he grabbed a burlap mask taken from a scarecrow.

He wasn't Jonathan no more, he was the deadly Scarecrow!!

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