Training Til Dawn ⚔ 🏰⛩

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An older Bruce Wayne snapped out of it, holding onto the snowy mountain with his shaking hands. He had gone through a long daydream while climbing a mountain in the country of Poland.

He was panting, reaching the peak of the mountain. "Mom...Dad..." Bruce suddenly began to say to himself. He was starting to have vivid hallucinations about his parents.

The tragedy of them haunted his dreams and visions for the rest of his life. Bruce then shook his head in an attempt to restrain himself from hallucinating any longer. He then got up to his feet, and sled down the side of the mountain to head back to his home village.

"Home," Bruce exclaimed as he arrived at the small village. There were a few Polish citizens, dressed in warm animal coating, who politely nodded back to Bruce. They respected his presence being here.

Bruce then headed inside his small hut, made out of strong wooden sticks. He made himself a quick meal and some soup.

As he ate and drank, a man stepped inside to meet him. He was bald, with a sharp nose. His name was Henri Ducard.

"Hello Mister Wayne," said Henri. He was Bruce's mentor, after the other five men who previously trained Bruce, failed to teach him.

"Henri. Nice to see you, I just did a bit of climbing a little while ago..." Bruce began.
Henri knew he was telling the truth, and smiled. "Good, good," he replied back.

Bruce wondered if he could ever return back home in Gotham. "Is this the last of my training?" asked Bruce to his mentor. "Indeed it is. You are onto your very last task," said Henri. He then pointed to the front door, in an effort to get Bruce back outside.

"Where are we going?" asked Bruce, his curiosity still attached to his brooding personality. "Come," replied back Henri.

The two left the hut. Two horses were waiting for them. Henri led the way on his horse, while Bruce held on tightly to the other horse. The horses charged throughout the village, to the gigantic village house. It was home to the ancient masters of Poland martial arts, and Henri's home as well.

The two got off their horses, and walked inside the house. It was quiet in the interior, with many Polish masters sitting at a throne. "Wait here," said Henri to Bruce. He then walked up to the masters and talked to them in a different language.

After speaking with the masters, Henri smiled back at Bruce and told him about the last of his training. "You have perfected the martial arts of this here village. You are near completion, how do you feel?" asked Henri.

Feeling an awe-inspiring amount of sheer confidence, Bruce replied "I feel great and energetic. I am ready, master Henri".

The two walked into a small room for Bruce to get ready. Henri then took out a shining sword and was ready for combat.

Bruce nodded and also took out a shining sword from his back. Henri shouted something, which immediately triggered Bruce's mind, remembering the code name for "Fight".

Bruce and Henri dueled with the swords, as Bruce memorized all his skills he learned for the past eleven years. They kept on fighting, Bruce was easily gaining the upper hand. Henri suddenly tried to strike at Bruce's ankle, but missed and was blocked.

After an exhausting five minutes of dueling, Henri patted Bruce on the back. "You did well. I am impressed," he said. Bruce thanked him and put away his sword.

Bruce was then tasked to eat a scorpion, and also get his wrist marked by the Polish masters, in order to be remembered and respected as a high official of the village.

"Thank you, thank you. I must go home now, should I?" asked Bruce. He was a bit anxious on what the Polish masters and Henri would say to him.

"Yes, it is time for your farewell," said Henri. Bruce began to walk away to return to the horse.

As Bruce got on top of the horse, Henri stopped him for a moment. "Bruce, make sure to learn your new strengths and weaknesses. You may be tested. Good luck," Henri warned him.

"Hi-ya!" Bruce yelled, using the whip to slash awake the horse, who neighed in response. Bruce and the horse took off back to his home, in order to pack up and get back to Gotham City.

Little did Bruce know, that it would take another full week to safely make it back to Gotham, and the city wasn't the exact same when he returned.

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