Team-Work 👏🏼

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The Scarecrow never made it back home.

He instead stayed alongside the gang of Black Mask's men. They were all holed up in an underground compound, away from Gotham City.

Half of Black Mask's men swore allegiance to Scarecrow. They thought he was a formidable and brooding adversary to Black Mask, a different foe. They believed Scarecrow was the better "fear" Black Mask was trying so hard to achieve onto Gotham City.

"Gentlemen, we wait. For Black Mask to return here from his evening visit to Gotham, and then swear his allegiance to me," he said. Black Mask's gang all cheered in excitement and anticipation.

"I'm here," said a brutish voice from behind. Scarecrow and his men all whirled around to listen.

"Just the man I needed," said Scarecrow. Black Mask stepped down from a platform and confronted Scarecrow. The two stared into each other's eyes.

"Horrid. Why did you guys bring him in here?" asked Black Mask to his former people. It was a long silence. "They only listen to me now," replied Scarecrow.

Black Mask frowned and clenched his fist. "Don't even think about it," noted Scarecrow. He blocked Black Mask's punch immediately.

"I want to spread fear into Gotham. I need that Vertigo drug," Scarecrow started to say. The men all held rifles and aimed it at their former master, Black Mask. "Don't try any move," said one of the brave thugs.

"You want the Batman. I want the drug. Together, we can make a deal," said Scarecrow. He was trying to convince Roman.

"Why should I give you some Vertigo?" asked Black Mask. " fear can help the public realize what a crooked city they're living in. Fear is what brings out the craziness in them, the happiness. They're demanding freedom indirectly," explained Scarecrow. "But why should I help you?" asked Roman.

Scarecrow then held out the photo of Roman and his wife. "For your wife. I can fix her, if you follow me. I promise," he said. Black Mask gasped, and snatched back the photo. "What the hell?!" he started to tear up through his hardened eyes.

"Join me," said Scarecrow one more time. Black Mask looked one last look around his former team of thugs, and shook Scarecrow's gloved hand.

The thugs wheeled in a dose of Vertigo. "Deal then," said Black Mask. The two enemies were ready to unleash their mission by TOMORROW NIGHT.

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