Business Unfolds 🏙🏢

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Bruce was ready for his first business meeting with his late father's old work tower known as Wayne Enterprises.

The headquarters was known as Wayne Tower, a building with many offices built inside each floor.

The purpose of Wayne Enterprises/Wayne Tower is to, globally, enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, expanding educational opportunities and accessing information such as technology, and to fund scientific research and help altruistic people with research by providing facilities and training.

Bruce had finished his last sip of coffee in his new office. An older dark-skinned man appeared at his doorstep. "Can I?" asked the man, offering to welcome himself in. Bruce let him in.

"Lucius Fox," said the man, introducing himself. "My, your father was an extraordinary gentleman and businessman. You look like just him, and Mr. Thomas Wayne would be very proud of you, Bruce," he continued to Bruce, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you too," replied Bruce. "I figured Alfred has already shown you what's been happening in Gotham, huh? Some kind of...drug is being passed around through mobs, and it's up to us to get rid of it," said Lucius.

Bruce listened as Lucius thought of a suggestion. "If we could use Wayne Shipping, Wayne Chemicals, and Wayne Construction, it could stop the drug from being smuggled and passed around the city to innocent lives," said Lucius. He then raised his eyebrows to Bruce, and asked, "Should we?".

"Yeah, we have to," said Bruce. Lucius gave a stern look as Bruce then rested his legs on the desk and pretended to sip from the empty coffee.

"But first, I'm going to need another cup of coffee before anything goes to fruition," said Bruce, in a cocky tone. Lucius looked perplexed.

An hour passed. Bruce and Lucius successfully had their first meeting with other Gotham entrepreneurs. They discussed about this new drug, which was untitled and had no name to it.

Lucius and Bruce then shook hands, and walked off into their separate vehicles. Before opening the limousine door, Bruce asked Lucius if he wanted to join him for a ballroom party tomorrow night at Wayne Manor.

"Sorry but no. Not my type. I have some other business to attend to anyway," said Lucius.

Bruce sat in his limousine, and smiled at Alfred. Alfred was in the front seat, asking how was Bruce's day. "How was it, master Wayne?" asked Alfred.

"Business went well. We had to discuss about this...uhh...drug going around. Me and Mr. Fox will look for the mob boss behind creating this, and we will invest in more money to Wayne Shipping, Construction, and Chemicals for assistance," said Bruce.

They drove back to Wayne Manor, as Bruce stepped out of the limousine. He then saw the covered-up manhole, where his younger self once fell into.

Bruce's ideas about spreading fear into Gotham's criminals came up into mind again for him. He needed to defend this city by night, not just by day. Bruce decided it was best to explain his inner feelings to Alfred the following morning instead.

Tomorrow would hopefully be a much better day.

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