Vertigo ☠

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They entered a private dining room, complete with a pool table. Falcone had his guards lock the doors and secure them.

"Nice place. Wish I can buy it from you as my own," said Falcone to Bruce. Bruce tried not to speak badly to one of the most successful crime lords of Gotham.

"It's not polite to be staring down on me, Mr. Wayne," noted Falcone. He had outsmarted Bruce's sneering stare. Bruce snapped himself out of it, to listen.

"I need a favor from you. Something I implore you to do for me," said Falcone. Bruce kept all his attention focused on Falcone. He was circling the pool table as he spoke.

"You ever heard of the new crime lord? Black Mask?" asked Falcone. Since Bruce had just returned to the city of Gotham, he had no idea. "No, no I don't," said Bruce weakly.

Falcone was startled at first, but understood. "He was once known as Roman Sionis. The wretched damn fool once competed with me, tried to steal my money," he said. He slammed his fist down on the pool table, making Bruce feel frail and helpless deep down inside.

"Roman was self-absorbed man who kept to himself most of the time in his early life. Growing up was a pain for him, I supposed. He started to form this corporation long ago called Janis Cosmetics. Became arrogant, he then proposed to his fiancée. Circe. Beautiful girl, she had nice curves, nice tits," said Falcone, grinning.

Bruce had to agree with that, he liked women too.

"As I was bitch Roman got upset when his parents wouldn't let him marry the goddess. He burned down the mansion, killing his parents in the process. He was a wreck," Falcone said.

Bruce looked at the two guards, even they were a bit intimidated.

"He was desperate on starting a brand new empire of make-up cosmetics, threw bundles of good-for-nothin' money at them even. The product was rushed, it was a toxin," concluded Falcone.

"Toxin? What authority does Roman even have? A toxin? What's the name of it?" asked Bruce.

"It's called Vertigo. The deadliest drug out in Gotham. It's new, it's feared by all the bitchy crime lords out there. Except me," said Falcone.

Bruce wondered where this subject was going in the first place. "So why do you need me here?" he asked.

"I need you, for a favor. I need some of your investments from medical research to combat Vertigo and Black Mask himself," said Falcone.

"What are you trying to say?" Bruce asked, with a stern look on his face.

"I want to use one of your drugs you use for medical purposes, to battle against Black Mask and his False Face Society. Yes, that's seriously his army of men," said Falcone.

Bruce thought hard about this. He couldn't just let one of the most well-known crime lords take his medical supplies to use against a deadly toxin and a wanted criminal.

"I'm sorry, but no. You can't do that, you have no power over me, Mr. Falcone. I don't trust you," said Bruce.

"So be it...Wayne," replied Falcone. He then snapped his fingers at the two guards, who opened the doors for him to leave.

"On second thought, the owner of this establishment is a dick. Not liking this at all," said Falcone to some concerned party guests.

Alfred watched as the party began to slowly lose guest after guest. "Where's Vicki?" asked Bruce. "Miss Vale left early, sir," replied Alfred.

Bruce shook his head, and sat in his bedroom after the party. He decided to think of ways to not only stop Falcone, but stop Black Mask.

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