Adored 💋👠

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"Who is it?" asked Bruce. Alfred had told him to answer the front door, it was a surprise visitor.

Bruce opened the door, and smiled. It was Vicki Vale again. She wanted to be let inside. "It's awfully cold out there. And raining," she added. "Alfred will take your coat, get cozy here. Welcome!" Bruce said with open arms.

Alfred took her furry coat. "I haven't been here in so long. Brings back memories. Man I wish I could relive my past," she said to Bruce. She took a nice long look around the living room.

"I have the best manor of Gotham, better than Falcone's," Bruce bragged. Vicki giggled like a little girl, but then frowned quickly to give off her "personality".

She started to suddenly wept, letting her ego down. "What's wrong?" asked Bruce. He came to comfort him, but she shooed him away.

"It''s just that everything is so different now. My boyfriend left me and I can't go on my own any longer," she said. Bruce felt bad for her, but had feelings for her too.

She then let Bruce hug her for a moment. "Okay..I think I'm alright," she began to say. Alfred stood near the corner with a box of tissues, amusingly.

Bruce felt the temptation to reveal his Batman persona to Vicki. She was the only other person, besides Lucius and Alfred, who needed to know the truth.

"Vicki, I need to tell you something. Something you must keep as a secret," he said. She stopped blowing her nose in the tissue and looked up at Bruce. "Yeah?" she asked.

"I am the Batman," he blurted out. She gasped, hands on her mouth. "It's true. It all adds up," she said through her hands. "Oh? Bruce wondered.

"You were missing that evening and didn't show up at the party my boss held last night, the same night the Batman showed up to fight some of Black Mask's goons. So its true?" she asked him. He nodded. "I can keep the secret. Thanks for letting me know," she said.

Bruce was ready to just kiss her on the lips, for her approval. She was acting flirtatious as well. "You look damn handsome the last time we met," she suddenly said. He liked the compliment, and smirked. "Shall I go, master Wayne?" asked Alfred.

Bruce didn't hear his uncomfortable butler, and started to inch in closer to Vicki. She did the same. "Bruce Wayne. Millionaire, playboy, CEO, costumed vigilante at night. Interesting how you devote a bit of your divided attention to me," she said. She blushed.

"Honey, its billionaire. And I'm all yours," said Bruce. They both kissed on the lips, making out. They rolled off the couch, onto the carpet. The warm campfire shined on them. Bruce took off his shirt, as Vicki did the same. Later that night, Bruce Wayne lost his virginity.

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