The Skirmish 👊🏼

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"Always fight for the things you love".

Two weeks had passed. Bruce was trying all his best to mature himself, often taking classes at the Gotham Karate school. He wanted to try his best to be brave, and not fall victim, or be vulnerable.

That night, Alfred dropped Bruce off on the streets of Gotham, for a daily visit to the convenience store. Bruce held onto his money in a wallet, tucked in his pants pocket.

"One chocolate bar, please," Bruce said to the cashier. After purchasing the item, Bruce studied at other types of foods, hungry. He didn't have enough money.

He saw a tall boy, much older than him, walk up to him. "Here, have some of my money," the boy said to Bruce, offering him twenty bucks.

Bruce hesitated for a minute.

"Okay," said Bruce, grabbing the money.  The tall boy walked away, snickering with a small group of friends. Bruce then paid the cashier for more food.

"Keep the change," said Bruce to the confused cashier. Bruce walked out of the convenience store, out into a dark and damp alleyway.

As Bruce ate his food, he heard pleas for help, and screaming. It was clearly a girl, a young one. Bruce ran around a corner, and found a group of boys attempting to rape the young girl.

Bruce gasped, as he knew that girl. It was Vicki Vale!

"Let go of me! Help!!" she said, squirming out of the lead boy's arms. 'Stop moving, or else you're going to make this all worse," said one of the boys, punching Vicki in the gut.

Bruce knew he had to help Vicki out, but how? Bruce was clearly outnumbered by one to five. Upon realization, Bruce knew the lead boy holding Vicki hostage, was the same kid who handed him the extra money not too long ago.

Bruce decided it was best to confront them. As he walked up to them, one of the boys blocked his path of getting to Vicki.

"Just where do you think you're going?" asked the boy. Bruce gulped. The lead boy recognized him immediately, and said "Just back away, kid. Run along."

Bruce didn't back down, this was his chance to prove those naysayers wrong. One of the kids then punched Bruce in the stomach, as the first move.

Bruce coughed, but suddenly got back up. He then clenched his fist and punched the kid in the face, who went down to the cold, hard ground. Vicki was still crying, and opened her eyes, seeing Bruce.

"Bruce?' she asked. Bruce then kicked the fallen kid back down, making him unconscious. The lead kid backed away, holding Vicki. The other three kids then lunged at Bruce.

With hardly any skills learned from training at the nearby karate, Bruce used his wits as an advantage to beat the kids. He then punched another kid down who had dark skin, but was suddenly tackled by the other.

The kid had a shaggy beard, and blonde hair. He started hitting Bruce, who blocked them by having his arms over his face. Bruce was able to gain the upper hand by pushing the shaggy kid off.

Bruce saw a nearby shovel, and picked it up. "Stand down. Now I have the advantage," Bruce said. The shaggy kid, the dark-skinned kid, and another kid, who had a buzz-cut, all fought Bruce.

Bruce kicked the buzz-cut kid down, and beat him over the head with the shovel. Bruce kept hitting him down, until finally the dark-skinned kid pinned Bruce down. Bruce whacked the dark-skinned kid in the face with the shovel.

The shaggy kid pleaded Bruce to stop, but was immediately frightened when Bruce stared at him with intense eyes. Bruce charged at the shaggy kid, and hit him in the private area, then the face.

The lead boy was the only one left, with Vicki. The lead boy, named Randall, suddenly pulled out a pocket knife.

'Let her go," said Bruce, in a deep tone of voice. The lead boy refused to surrender. Bruce then screamed, and charged at the lead boy.

Bruce then hit the lead boy in the mouth with the shovel. Vicki screamed, and was scared of Bruce. After kicking the boy's unconscious body across the ground, Bruce looked up at Vicki with fiery eyes.

Vicki squealed, holding herself. She was completely frightened, and squeezed her eyes.

"Vicki, I'm not going to hurt you. Trust in me, please," said Bruce, putting the shovel down.

"I'm sorry!" said Vicki, shedding tears. Bruce felt bad for her, and went to hug her. She let him.

The two then walked down the sidewalk, trying to forget what just happened.

"I have to call my butler soon," said Bruce. "Thanks, for saving me," said Vicki. She then left a kiss on his cheek.

Bruce had many thoughts running through his head in these dire moments. He was soon picked up by Alfred, in the limousine.

"All good, sir?" asked Alfred, peering from the driver's window.

"I'm fine, Alfred. Thanks," said Bruce. He got in the limousine, and they drove back to Wayne Manor.

Bruce was extremely tired upon returning home, he carelessly threw the last of his food in the refrigerator, and then headed upstairs in his socks.

Bruce then laid on his bed, stunned at what he did to those kids earlier ago in the alleyway. It gave him some sort of passion, a desire to fight the corrupt villains of Gotham.

He just needed to bring out the fear to them.

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