Calm Encounter 🚔👍🏼

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The next day, Commissioner James Gordon decided to stop by Wayne Manor for some talk. He parked the car near the mansion, as Alfred helped escort him inside.

"Sometimes master Wayne doesn't like to disturbed on his Sunday mornings," warned Alfred. "Sorry, Alfred. But this is important for him to know," replied Gordon. The two walked into the dining room.

"Get yourself seated, sir. Master Wayne will be right with you," Alfred said and left. Gordon sat on a comfy couch and looked around the scenery of the room. He admired Bruce's prizes and successes hung up on the walls. He then saw a photo of a young Bruce and a young Vicki Vale.

" I wish I could go back to the good old days once again," said Gordon to himself. "You needed me?" interrupted a voice. Gordon turned to see Bruce standing before him. Alfred guarded the door, but Bruce whisked him away.

"How are you, commissioner?" asked Bruce. The two men shook hands. Gordon couldn't stop grinning at the sight of Bruce. "You've changed. You've grown older," said Gordon. "So have you. Then again, everyone ages," said Bruce. They stopped shaking hands, as Bruce sat on another couch adjacent to Gordon.

"So what is it you wanted to notify to me?" asked Bruce. "I've come to ask you if you know Doctor Jonathan Crane. He's a talented and expert psychologist down at Blackgate Prison. He deals with the criminally insane," asked Gordon.

"I don't know him in the slightest. But I am interested to meet this young man," said Bruce. Gordon took a drink from the wine Alfred had given him.

"Suppose I schedule up a meeting between you and him. I think he could be a useful ally to your Wayne Enterprises. He can deal with those who don't comply," suggested Gordon. "That sounds like a great idea. I'll have to talk to my business partner, Lucius Fox," replied Bruce.

"That's all the time I have for," said Gordon. He got up to leave for the door. "Now wait..Commissioner," said Bruce quickly. Gordon turned around. "Yes?" he asked.

"..Nevermind, you may go," said Bruce. He wanted to tell Commissioner Gordon about his identity and ask if the Batman was allowed in a city like this. Gordon tipped his hat to Alfred, got in the car and drove off into the sunset.

The very next day, Lucius and Bruce met up at Wayne Enterprises. "Roman Sionis has escaped. Luckily Blackgates' got Carmine Falcone. The son of a bitch couldn't escape," said Lucius. Bruce wasn't paying attention half of the time, staring off into space. He thought of Vicki Vale.

"Hello? Bruce?" asked Lucius. He snapped his fingers many times in Bruce's face to get his full attention. "Yeah. I'm listening," said Bruce.

"I do have to talk to you about something. Something very personal and important. I think you're the right person to talk to," said Bruce. Lucius nodded to get ready to listen.

"I am the Batman. The one who stalks those who try escape fear in Gotham. The costumed vigilante in the night. That's me," said Bruce. Lucius backed away a moment, and was shocked. But he kept his cool.

"Okay. Well what do you want me to do about this secret?" he asked Bruce. "Help me out. You're great with equipment. My suit could use a bit of upgrades," said Bruce.

"Bring in the suit next time. I'll take a look, and I'll see what I can do," replied Lucius. He scratched his bushy chin, and scratched his head. "How's the Vertigo drug? Has it been used on anyone?" asked Bruce. He needed to change the subject.

"Black Mask used it against a group of school kids. It was awful and horrifying. We need this to end," said Lucius. He weeped a little with tears. Bruce sighed.

The two devised a plan to upgrade Bruce's batsuit, and try to capture Black Mask alive for interrogation. "At least we have the other perpetrator," said Bruce. The other they were referring to was: Carmine Falcone.

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