The Batman 🌑

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Three weeks had passed. The crime rate was building in the city of Gotham. Bruce and his Wayne Enterprises foundation tried their best to ease the public's fear, but it wasn't enough.

Falcone's story was true. Roman Sionis, aka Black Mask, has been the culprit behind several robberies of the Vertigo drug hidden somewhere in Gotham.

Various men from Black Mask's gang teared through the Gotham streets, demanding citizens to give up their cash and also searching through their homes for anything drug-related. Some have tried to break into Wayne Enterprises, but ultimately failed.

Bruce was adamant on destroying Black Mask's Vertigo. He was thinking of many ways to help out Gotham, and protect the citizens. Right now, Bruce was at the top of his game.

Bruce and Lucius Fox had begun building a "Batcave" hidden underneath Wayne Manor. It would be used as Bruce's secret headquarters, laced with advanced technology. The technology included biographies of the wanted criminals such as Black Mask, and surveillance footage installed in the city.

Lucius had just finished introducing the latest addition to the Batcave: the Batmobile. "It's a very fast vehicle, hidden in the dead of night," said Lucius to Bruce.

"When can I use it?" asked Bruce. "Not yet. Some adjustments need to be made before using it. Just use the grappling hook I made for you to travel building by building," answered Lucius.

Bruce was determined to get off his feet and start fighting crime soon. He had help sown a suit to wear, in order to keep his identity a secret among the city's crime.

"What should I call myself, Alfred?" asked Bruce. He sat on a swiveling chair near his computer desk, and turned to the old butler.

"I don't know, master Wayne. It's best to figure it out yourself," replied Alfred in a stern tone. He set down a plate of food for Bruce to dine on. Bruce thought about it.

Lucius waved goodbye to Alfred and Bruce, as he went home. Bruce stayed down in the new Batcave for hours on end, studying the computer. He was determined to hunt down not only Black Mask, but Carmine Falcone. He was tracking Falcone's every move since last night.

"I have to go out there," said Bruce to Alfred. Alfred sighed. "You're going to get yourself killed on the first mission, master Wayne. I think it is best you stay here," said Alfred. Bruce refused.

"Those citizens of Gotham need me. I have spotted some suspicious activity down at my businesses' construction site. Falcone may be there," said Bruce. He walked past Alfred, who shook his head.

Bruce got suited up. It was a dark suit, with a grappling hook and "batarangs" attached to the utility belt. He then wore a mask to hide his true face.

Bruce set off into the night, leaving Wayne Manor. It was his first time out in the night, without ladies by his side, or a limousine driven by Alfred.

Meanwhile at the construction site, Black Mask was there. He was waiting for an arrival to come. "He's almost here!" exclaimed one of Black Mask's men.

"Good. I'm ready," he replied back. Back in the heart of Gotham, Bruce used his grappling hook to swing from building to building, remembering his training back from Poland. It was necessary at this moment to use.

Meanwhile at the construction site again, a car pulled up in front of Black Mask and his gang. A man got out of the driver's seat and had a hat on. He handed Black Mask a package, which smelled very disgusting.

"Here's another batch of it. Now, where's my payment?" asked the man. Black Mask sniffed the package, chuckled, and snapped his fingers. The gang members searched through their pockets for cash to give to the man.

Bruce arrived at the construction site. He noticed Black Mask tucked away the secret package given to him by the mysterious man. He had to do something quick and fast!

Bruce then searched through his utility belt and found himself a "Batarang". He aimed at either the mysterious man or Black Mask. Who could he prevent from succeeding?

Black Mask then began to walk away from the man. Bruce aimed his Batarang, and threw it. It pierced the mysterious man, who stood in the way of Black Mask.

"AGHHH!!" shouted the man. The object had gone straight through his hand. Black Mask ordered his men to fire upon the construction site. He escaped in a car through the night. Bruce then showed himself to Black Mask's men.

He then used his fighting skills to fend off the men. He hit and dodged every punch. Bruce then lunged at the man clutching his hand.

Tackling and wrestling him to the floor, Bruce took the man's hat off to get a better look at his face. It was Carmine Falcone! He was trading with Black Mask this whole time!

"Who are you?" asked Falcone. Feeling heroic, Bruce spoke in a raspy voice. "I am the night, I am Batman!" he said. Falcone whimpered at Bruce's intimidation and his bleeding hand.

Bruce then knew it was best to arrest Falcone. Black Mask's thugs managed to escape the crime scene. Police cars showed up, as Bruce quickly left Falcone behind, handcuffed.

Commissioner James Gordon escorted Falcone into the police car as Gotham police calmed down residents nearby the construction site.

Bruce successfully made it back to Wayne Manor. He took off his suit, panting heavily. Alfred checked up on him.

"Everything went well, master Wayne?" he asked. "It did. Falcone was trading with Roman Sionis this entire time, he lied to us and the city. He's placed under arrest by Gotham police. They can take care of him," said Bruce.

He knew his "Batman" tactic was a success that night. Bruce headed off to bed after, ready for a brand-new day.

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