Beautiful Tragedy 🌹🔫

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It was a cold, Saturday afternoon in the booming city of Gotham.

9 year old Bruce Wayne and his wealthy parents were walking outside of the Gotham Theatre, which Bruce wasn't amused by the play that consisted of bats, his worst fear.

"C'mon, Bruce, we're almost to the car," implied his mother, Martha Wayne. Bruce was shivering in his tuxedo, the chilly snow resting on top of his shoulders and dissolving.

"Honey, I have to get the keys out of my pocket, just stay right there," said Bruce's father named Thomas Wayne. "No worries. It's here in my purse," Martha said to Thomas, reaching through her purse to collect the car keys.

"Give me the damn purse, and put your hands up in the air".

Bruce and his parents looked up to see a man, wearing a grey scarf, reckless clothing, and a shaggy beard. "Give it," demanded the man, who held Bruce's mother at gunpoint.

Thomas paused for a moment, then carefully listened to the man. "You heard him, honey, give him the purse," he told her. Martha willingly handed the man her purse.

Bruce stood behind his parents, struggling to take a peek of the robber. "Now, you can go now, we won't give you away," said Thomas to the nervous man.

Suddenly, in an instant, the man grabbed for Martha's pearl necklace as a last item, but Thomas shoved the man away. The man suddenly raised his gun, aimed, and fired. BANG! The gunshot rang in the air, making Bruce's ears ring. He opened his eyes after closing them and found his mother screaming. His father was slain, on the pavement, a gunshot wound lodged in his heart.

The thug suddenly shot at Martha once, with the sound of the gunshot ringing in the air again. "No!" cried out Bruce.

The thug aimed his gun at the kid, but hesitated. Bruce closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Damn it," exclaimed the thug, as his gun was out of ammunition. Suddenly, police alarms blared in the distance, making the thug hurry with his new belongings, leaving Bruce behind.

Bruce kneeled down to his dying parents, Thomas was barely breathing. "Bruce, Bruce..." said Thomas. Bruce held his father's trembling hand, as the poor man struggled to speak to his son. "Bruce...get help, please.." Thomas said. Bruce sobbed as he stared into his father's pupils, which widened and stood still, indicating his father was dead.

Bruce cried, hyperventilating. The Gotham police cars appeared in the alleyway. A young, clean-shaven man in a police uniform picked up young Bruce into his arms, as the police put the Wayne's into body bags.

"It truly is a difficult and saddening night for citizens of Gotham. Thomas Wayne, director of the company known as Wayne Enterprises, has been shot dead by an unknown assailant, along with his wife, Martha Wayne. Their only son, Bruce Wayne, is the sole survivor of this tragedy. More to you from Officer Bullock on the scene of the crime.." said news reporters of Gotham.

Bruce was broken inside, his parents were now dead.

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