I miss you

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Demi's POV

Lexie fell asleep,which is perfect because I don't want her to find out the plans I'm going to make for her. I couldn't seem to get her contacts because Damian broke her phone. But then I remembered Lexie had a Instagram. Maybe I could somehow get In contact with one of them on there I thought to myself. I quickly logged onto my Instagram and searched Lexie's user name. This one girl was in a lot of Lexie's pictures. I clicked on her account her name is Victoria. I Scrolled down to her last picture and commented on it. I didn't want to comment on a recent picture because people would see are Conversation. I thought about what I was gonna say to her than started typing.

"Hi Victoria you might think this is crazy but I found your friend Lexie, Also I adopted her 2 days ago. But she said that she really misses her friends, and you two seem to be very close. Can I please have your phone number because I want to have a surprise welcome home party for Lexie and I need your help to plan this for her. Can you help me please?" I got a response from her almost instantly.


"Tomorrow there's going to be an Announcement on the news for Lexie being found."

"Ok ok but I don't wanna have this conversation on here." Victoria gave me her number and quickly erased all the comments. I can understand her being worried. I quickly texted Victoria just so we can figure this out.

"Hey it's Demi would you mind sending me all of Lexie's friends contacts?" She started typing man she's a fast Typer.

"No I don't mind but some of them I don't have there contacts but I will ask them ok?"

"Yes that's ok. Can you make sure this Doesn't get around the school because I don't want people to use her just for me." I started to get worried at that thought.

"No I would never let that happen me and Lexie are best friends and I know all the people she likes and all the people she Doesn't. I even know who she has a crush on (; ." I laughed when I saw she put a winkie face.

"Aww my baby girl has a little crush invite him too."

"It's not a little crush they are meant to be together they've been friends since 1st grade and now were in 8th that's 8 years, and I think he likes her to because whenever I talk about her to him he blushes, he misses her lots." Aww my baby girls in love I started to get so happy even tho I don't know this kid she likes.

"Invite him for her ;). I started laughing at my response. Later she sent me all the contacts wow Lexie has a lot of Supporting friends, I texted all of them. All of Lexie's friends are very down to earth, 2 of them were crazed lovatics which I love I can't wait to meet them. Everything was all planned out. So I'm taking Lexie out to see a movie and while we're out her friends are going to set everything up. Unfortunately 2 of her friends are going to be coming a little late but that's ok. We're having this party on Saturday which is 2 days away I hope Lexie Doesn't find out.

Later that night I Decided to call my mom to tell her the news. She picked up.

"Hi mama." I said awfully Cheerfully.

"Hi sweetheart, did Lexie say yes?" She Questioned.

"Yes she did!" I kinda yelled a little.

"Oh sweetheart that's Amazing I'm so happy for you."

"So guess what."

"What?" She asked.

"I said guess." I said in a teasing tone.

"You know I'm not good at guessing honey."

"I'm planning a party for Lexie so she can see her friends again." I said rather Happily.

"Honey I'm so excited for you dose she know?"

"No it's a surprise." I found myself smirking at the phone.

"Demi can I ask you something?"

"Yea what's up?" I asked.

"When are we all going to meet Lexie I told madison about her and she really wants to meet her."

"We can visit when I'm back from tour in 2 weeks."

"Yay!" She sounded very happy.

"Well mama I'm getting tired I'm going to bed ok?"

"Ok sweetheart goodnight I love you."

"I love you too bye."

End of call

I got up and put on some sweatpants and a tank top. Man I was tired I felt like I was from the walking dead. I jumped into bed next to Lexie who was already sleeping. I cuddled up to her and whispered "I love you baby girl." Into her ear than drifted into a deep sleep.

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