Chapter 18

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Lexie's POV

My body shook with fear. H-how did he f-find me? I thought I escaped the devil. But it looks like he's back. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I slide down the door and opened the letter with shaky hands. Silent tears streamed down my face.

Hello my dear Alexis. I bet your just so happy to be away from me. Well guess what princess I've

been watching you and your little friend. What's her name again? Ah I remember Demi. Guess

what sweetheart she doesn't like you she just feels bad for you. But don't feel sad I still love you

you I'll gladly take you back. But you have to come to me. Meet me at the park at 10:00 tonight

come alone. If you try and run I will gladly slice your pretty little throat. If you tell Demi well you

know what will happen to her. I'm not afraid to kill anyone dear. Guess what I already bought are

house it's far away from here it's just gonna be me and you in are wonderful paradise. Aren't you

excited dear it'll just be me and you like we wanted. I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it.

I'll see you soon princess and remember Don't do anything stupid.

~ Damian

Oh and p.s if you don't come I know where you live and I'm not afraid of getting you myself but

trust me you don't want that to happen. You don't want you beloved Demi getting hurt do you?

No no no no no this can't be happening again he can't get Demi she doesn't deserve this. I have to get my stuff together for later tonight. I do have to say some goodbyes though but I won't exactly tell them where I'm going. It's 9:30 now I have 3o minutes before I see him again I got a sick feeling in my stomach I felt as if u could vomit. Next thing you know I have my face in the toilet. I heard I Demi swing the door open and run to my side. She didn't say anything she just held my hair back. We sat in silence for a minute before Demi started talking.

"Lexie honey what's going on?" She said softly.

"N-nothing Demi I-I'm fine. I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

"Lexie I know your not fine.. Please tell me."

"I c-can't. I mumbled.

"And why is that?"

"I don't what you to get h-h-hurt." Tears were streaming down my face but I quickly wiped them off.

"I won't get hurt, how would I get hurt?"

"I can't tell you D-Demi." I saw Demi's face get a flash of anger but then she looked sad, and hurt.

"Fine I'm going to bed but if you decide to tell me come in to my room." And with that Demi got up and went into her room. I took a few minutes to calm myself down then got up and made my way to my bed. Quickly I picked up my phone and typed to James. I hate to say goodbye to him again.

________To James_________

James.... I have to go I might not see you for awhile but whatever happens don't look for me I'm going to be ok I will stay strong for you. But you gotta stay strong for me too. I love you babe. You were my first love and my first real kiss. I'm sorry. I love you never forget that.

I re read the text about 6 times then decided to send it I have to text one more person before I go.

_______To Tori_______

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