The Kingsman and Kingswoman

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Eggsy sat across from the beautifully dressed Roxanne. Her long dirty blond curls were down, and her eyes were brightly light from the lamps that lit the large ballroom.
Roxy looked on at him through a smile. His brown hair was slick back giving his glasses the opportunity to compliment his prominent, and always good looking, jawline.
"You cleaned up pretty nice." Eggsy took a sip of his wine, and loosened the tie on his neck while simultaneously taking a calculated look around the room. "Dear." He added stiffly, bringing his attention back to her.
Roxy scoffed playfully. "Why thank you." She took a bite of her stake and took a look behind Eggsy's head. "Bunny." She smiled, looking back at him.
As he started to laugh, gunfire cut him off. Eggsy and Roxy knocked over and jumped under their table. They shot out their guns and fired back.
"We've got to find a less disruptive job Rox." He said as he fired back with deadly accuracy from his Kingsmen issued handgun. "We've got to finish our dinner sometime." He added.
She quickly reached into his suit's inside pocket and loaded her gun with its contents. Blasting her shotgun round at their opponent, she leaned towards Eggsy. "It's not the job Eggsy. It's the assignment."
He reached for her hair as if to stroke it, only to pull out a large pin attachment. Which blew up like a tightly packed load of C4 after he threw it over the table.
The two of them stood up as the dust started to settle. They shook the dust off of their well dressed shoulders and examined their surroundings.
"Nice work." Eggsy said, pulling a key with a foxtail keychain from a dead man's body.
"You didn't do so bad yourself." Roxy said, looking over the bodies for a gold dog tag necklace, which she quickly found.
They held up their finds to each other and smiled. Their mission objective had been completed. He held the key, and she held the code. But there was still a larger operation to complete. Which meant much more work to be done.

Roxy, the new Lancelot, and Eggsy, the new Galahad, were the Kingsmen's most recently recruited agents, and had, working together, become a force to be reckon with. They had even been whispered about by the senior agents, as being the best team of two agents in Kingsmen's long history. They had trained as cadets together, and had become friends from the get go. They had become best friends as well, and their record breaking number of completed missions together encouraged them to continue to "hang out". It also helped that their first operation together shows that they almost single handedly saved the word's population from completely tearing itself apart. Quite literally.
    Eggsy and Roxy were exceptional agents by themselves. When they were both given the option to have separate missions or do them together, they picked the latter. Being partners, they knew how to keep a good balance of work and play. They knew how to have a good time, but also how to kept each other in check. Because they were friends before partners, their mutual trust and respect was already there and never questioned. Thus, they chose as many team missions together as they could, and the new Arthur encouraged them. He couldn't argue with their results and efficiency.
    Eggsy and Roxy could care less about all the missions completed, or their rank as the best team up in their 'company's' history. They just wanted to get the job done, and do it well with someone they trusted totally. Although Roxy had her pet peeves about Eggsy, and Eggsy had his frustrations about her, their relationship was like a well oiled machine. Well, it was a well oiled machine before Bassevelt Belgium. Roxy's disapproval of Eggsy's newly constant playboy cockiness especially when it came to attractive woman, and Eggsy's frustration with Roxy's hesitation to open up or take more chances, didn't come into conflict with their work, or friendship, until Belgium.
    "Did you hear?" Roxy took a seat next to Eggsy on their auto piloted Kingsmen jet, with a bowl of fruit in hand. "Merkury Enterprise is completely corrupt."
    "Hm" Eggsy plopped a few fruits in his mouth.
    "I know you're thinking 'we knew this already' The truth is we didn't. We had our suspicions, and knew there was questionable members of their board, but now we know for sure. They've started production on a device that has high explosive concentration, for the exclusive use by the Vargas organization.
    "Vargas? You've gotta be blooming joking. When'd you get this Intel? In the bathroom changing?"
Vargas was a major underground terrorist organization. It had been on Kingsmens' top priority list of things to put a stop to, for a long time.
    "I got a phone call from Merlin. While you were gaining what useful intel from that blond?" Roxy knew Eggsy before he had saved the world and slept with a princess. He had gain so much more confidence in himself once he stepped up to fill in his mentor, Harry Hart's, shoes. But some of what he gained was over-confidence, cockiness, and sometimes carelessness. He'd constantly be flirting with woman he hardly knew during missions where Roxy needed his full attention the most, and he took unnecessary risks, putting himself on the line. He was still one of the nicest, sweetest guys she knew, and she didn't really care who he was attracted to, just so long as he was focused on the missions. At least she didn't think she cared who he was attracted to.
"I actually did get some Intel." Eggsy protested. "Sara," he emphasized. "Told me about this up and coming footage of the Queen." He leaned in closer. "There's a drama on Netflix called "The Crown". It's suppose to be really good." Eggsy pushed a button on the laptop that was in front of him to reveal what he was actually doing. Netflix was open and episode 1 of "The Crown" was up and ready to be played.
"You realize that's not what we should be doing. We touch down in Belgium in a couple of hours."
"Could be a couple of episodes..." Eggsy implied.
Roxy rolled her eyes.
"Come on Rox. We've been working so hard these past months... Just becaus it's not what we should be doing doesn't me we can't do it. Plus Belgium should be nothin. We're there to find a car with a briefcase."
She sat looking out the window for a moment. 'In deep though' Eggsy thought. Yet he knew she would give in this time, the spaces between her blinks gave it away.
"It's suppose to be good?" Roxy inquired.
"Sara swears by it, and she's only half English."
"Only a couple of episodes?"
"Only got a couple of hours."
Roxy pulled her legs onto the couch, and once comfortable, leaned back.
Eggsy smiled cheekily, and did what Roxy did, got comfortable. He tossed his tie, and jacket to the side. Throwing a sweater over his button up. He felt a part of him had won a small victory, in getting his best friend to get her mind off the job for at least a couple of hours. She never relaxed as much as he'd like her to.
Roxy clicked the button to shut the window shutters. "Hey, Eggsy"
"Yeah Rox?"
"I thought you didn't really buy into the whole monarchy thing. Never heard you praise or say anything about our Queen Elizabeth. Didn't you have a bit of a beef with the poshest of the posh?"
"Well... I use to. But if being a Kingsmen has show me anything it's that a new perspective is always welcome. And as for the poshest of the posh, I don't have a beef with em. Just the ones that trample on us for no good reason. But the others are fine. I mean I put up with you don't I?"
Roxy gave him a glare, along with a smirk of annoyance.

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