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"I'm pregnant Eggs."

    Eggsy stopped dead in his tracks. His face turned to one of confusion, "What?" He said astounded. He didn't understand.

    "Yeah. It's hard to take. And I still am having troubling taking it. But it's true. And I'm sure it's yours Eggsy. Radcliffe..."

    Eggsy's face was evident that his mind was connecting all the dots. He never got to Roxy in time to help her. Not back when Radcliffe had Roxy for too long, not even now when she was pregnant and fighting Kingsman's worst enemy. Radcliffe, the bastard. He had got his way, and bred what he intended. The sick man.

    But somehow Eggsy wasn't too alarmed by this. His child was currently in existance, being formed slowly but surely, in Roxy's womb. His child. Their child. Nothing could amount to the feeling he was now experiencing.

    "Please, at least say something." Roxy said, studying his expression closely.

    Eggsy picked her up and spun her in a celebratory circle, with a large smile on his face. He slowly brought her down, his eyes completely locked with her's. "This is incredible. I'm going to be a dad. Your going to be a mum. And we're going to do it together."

    Roxy was happy beyond belief, that she and Eggsy were on the same page when it came to this news. "Now, I don't know what that was. But I'm too happy to scold you for it now, even if it did make me a little dizzy." She buried her face in his, their foreheads touching and their eyes closed. Savoring the present moment, and feeling so lucky to both be alive.

    "Wait a second. You knew about your pregnancy before the attack on Kingsman even happened." Eggsy's eyes shot open a quickly turned suspicious. "You came here, pregnant, expecting a fight. You got one. What on earth were you thinking Rox? You're bruised, and tattered, I'm getting you to a doctor immediately."

    "I'm pregnant, not disabled, or sick. You realize that right?"

    "Says the woman who just complained about getting dizzy from a celebratory spin."

    Roxy agreed without words, he had a point. She reminded him that she had said she had done some rash things.

    "How much do you know about pregnancies anyways?" Eggsy inquired, obviously concerned for her and his unborn child.

    "About the same as you I take it." She said offhandedly.

    "You could be wrong." Eggsy paused, "My mum was pregnant with my little sis not too long ago. And my dead beat step dad was no use so I was the one taking care of her. There're things I know that I shouldn't know." His face shriveled up in a bad memory or bad taste in your mouth sort of way. "You know?"

    "Yeah. Yeah I do." She shook her head. "I take it you probably know more than me. I should buy some books..."

    "Doctor first, books later. Right?"

    Roxy give her man a quick kiss, his genuine concern for her wellbeing was one of the many things she loved about him. "Alright."

    He smiled, than it turned to a frown, there there was something he was forgetting, "Oh and Rox,"


    "You know I love you. Right?"

     "Yeah." She sighed lovingly, and brushed some stray strands of hair out of his handsome face, too keep them from cover the eyes she so admired. "Yeah I do, Eggs."

    Merlin and the Statesman agents proceeded to search, bag, and tag the area. Their findings were horrifying and a relief. Had Poppy not been stopped, much would have been destroyed, and distributed. Many terrible things.

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