The Wreckage Shows

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Eggsy smiled at the dark sky and rain that shined off the cab's window. He was clutching his umbrella in his hands and was excited to be done with his mission and reporting back to Aurther.

As his cab turned the corner, Eggsy finally took out his phone to check his messages. Roxy had called him five times. He hoped to God that she was okay. He stepped out of his cab in front of Kingsman's storefront, with his face still glued to his phone, and his hands fidgeting to open his umbrella.

As he finally got his umbrella open, and Roxy's number dialed, he looked up and at where Kingsman tailor's used to be. Eggsy nearly dropped his phone at the sight of it. A huge gaping black hole where Kingsman used to be. It smelled of smoke and burned materials, and burnt flesh.

"Roxy." His heart and mind began to race. Roxy had told him she'd be here with Arthur. It was more likely than not that she had been at this Kingsman base when someone had taken it out.

As he stood their holding back tears, he stared at the wreckage. The wreckage that meant the Kingsman had an enemy greater than they had ever known. One that knew where they were, who they were, and how to kill them.

Eggsy had to know if Roxy had been here, he had to know. He began dialing her number.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice said from the shadows.

Merlin walked right up to Eggsy with a grim face, and an Irish golf hat atop his head. "They know who we are. You better toss that phone." Merlin grabbed the phone from Eggsy's hands and threw it across the street. Which resulted in a loud crack heard round the world.

"Who was here? Who did this!" Eggsy blurted out. He had to know that Roxy hadn't been obliterated by a missile. He had to make sure his family was safe, he had Merlin send a quick message to his mum and sister. Telling them to get out for a while. "But who could've done this?!"

"Galahad. I don't know. But we can't find that out here. Safest thing to do is get out of this place. We're sitting ducks out in the open like this. I know a place."
Merlin took Eggsy to a safe house, with a computer that he used throughly. Merlin played back the forage of both Kingsman tailor's and Kingsman housing headquarters being obliterated. The both sat with wide mouths and rage filled eyes as the playback showed the missiles destroying their colleagues and home base.

"Track Roxy's phone," Eggsy ordered more than said, he just had to know.

Merlin did as he was told, he wanted to know as well. There were enough deaths in a day to at least search for good news. What they got was nothing.
"Her phone's still active, but it's on the street four storefronts down from Kingsman tailor's." Merlin's face was stone white. "I don't know what this means, only what it could mean. We can't jump to conclusions."

Eggsy hadn't time to listen to Merlin, for he had already gone into rage mode. He had thrown a table across the room, and it smashed into a lamp, causing a drape to catch fire. Which Eggsy ended up trying to put out, with angry grunts and curses under breath through it all.

Merlin heeded Eggsy no mind, and continued his investigative work. "Of all that is Holy... Gawain's dead. His equipments been destroyed. All other agents are offline. That's strange."

"What?"Eggsy inquired. After he spared a thought to his fallen Kingsman, Gawain. He walked over to Merlin, brushing ash off his shoulder.

"Lancelot's equitment went offline a little after Kingsman Tailors was hit."

"What does that mean?"

"I couldn't tell you Eggsy. But for now let's call it hope."

"I don't want bloody hope, I want proof that she's alive!" Eggsy shouted more to the world than to Merlin. Who at this point had figured out just how strong a bond those two had. "Who did this? Who could've done this?"

"The missile's trajectory suggest that it came from America."

"Call the Queen and ring 10 Downing Street, we're declaring war on America."

"Woh woh Eggsy, moving a little too fast there. War, is never the right option. Never. That's what we as Kingsman swore to do."

"I'm sorry Merlin. I know how I can get melodramatic. Roxy always says so." Eggsy slumped down into the couch, with a frown on his face, obviously thinking about Roxy.

"It wasn't a military ballistic either. They're our allies, the states. You'll do well to remember that."

"Aye." Eggsy uttered.

"It came from an abandoned estate in up-state New York, wait--" Merlin stood from his chair and pushed aside books that sat atop the brick fireplace in the safe house. "Eggsy hand me your necklace."

Eggsy did as he was told.

The Kingsman sailor-like trinket was placed in a grove in a brick, which lead that portion of the wall to move. It opened like a door, to reveal a singular bottle of bourbon whiskey.

"What in blazes..."

"American whiskey Eggsy." Merlin picked up the bottle, and held it up to the light. "I have no idea what it means."

"What is it suppose to mean?"

"Help." Merlin shrugged.

"If it's help they offer, it's help I'll take," Eggsy grabbed the bottle and poured himself a glass, and he poured Merlin one as well. His eyes widened as he took a large gulp. "Woh," Eggsy went for a second glace while Merlin was admiring his first.

"Exquisite, excellent," Merlin remarked.

Eggsy drank three times as much as Merlin, which resulted in a tipsy Kingsman agent singing way too much. Merlin tried too keep Eggsy in control, but just left him alone after the tenth song, and the eighth weeping fit.

"You are a literal mess boy," Merlin emptied the last of the bottle into his cup, and noticed the emblem at the bottom of the bottle. It read 'Statesmen Liquor, Kentucky USA.' Merlin laughed. "Eggsy, how on earth did we not see this before?" Merlin turned with a smile to look at Eggsy, who was simply on the floor out cold, with a box of tissues in his arm.

"Looks like we're going to Kentucky."

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